Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Plantation Place RV Park, Sunnyvale, Texas

                                 Monday 5/13/2013

Our stay in Fort Worth was way too short. There were things we wanted to do, but we just didn't have time. A couple we met in Glen Rose told us that we should go to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. It is free, but unfortunately it is closed on weekends and Monday. It might not have been a good idea anyway, because it might have been too much money for Joe to handle. The next day I probably would have been told that my husband was arrested for a robbery in the place! I would have liked to have gone back to the Sundance Downtown area also, but we have a schedule to keep, so we didn't make it there either. It was time to hit the road again. We took I-30 straight through Fort Worth.

Goodbye Fort Worth! Wish we had more time to explore you, but we  just don't!

I-30 took us through the suburbs of Arlington.

I always enjoy the different designs we see in the cities along the interstate walls.

There must be a college at a nearby exit.

We passed the Six Flags in Arlington.

I know, I know! You all are getting tired of the cloverleaf in the sky highway pictures I take while driving through the big cities.

I can't help myself. I'm just a small pumpkin bumpkin from Iowa who marvels at the engineering masterpieces of the traffic flow from all directions.

After going through the suburb of Grand Prairie, we arrive in Dallas.

The large mirror building to the left in the picture is the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The drive was a bit hairy and stressful, with semi's zooming passed us on both sides. Mallery kept wanting to get down, then back up in my lap. Then down again, and then up again. I finally told her she was going to have to just stay in my lap until we arrive. I told Joe I didn't know why she seemed so antsy. Joe said that she was probably keying off of his nerves, because he was stressed from the traffic, curves, and watching for signs.  When we finally got east of Dallas and Joe calmed down, and Mallery calmed down too. We decided Joe was right, Mallery was nervous because Joe was nervous.

Our new neighborhood is in Sunnyvale, TX which is east of Dallas just south of I-30. As we drove down the road that our park is located on, Joe stopped and looked at this sign. Our park is called Plantation Place RV Park. The sign said Plantation Park, and Joe could not see any RV's

As we continued down the road, Joe finally could see the RV park behind the Southern Plantation house, so he stopped. We had to get out and unhook the car, and then I had to guide Joe back so he could get back to the entrance.

The entrance of the park sits right after a curve, so we had to be careful that no car came around the corner and plow into us while we unhooked. If you are coming to the park, be ready to turn in right after the curve.

Once turned around, we enter the drive into the park.

It's final, when I win the lottery, I am building a Southern. Plantation just like this. Joe has always wanted a house with columns, and I have always wanted a home with a front and side porch. This fits the bill, doesn't it!

Side view of Plantation Place.

Side and back view of the house.

Isn't that nice, Express check-in.

Express Check-In spot.

We find an envelope with our name on it in the clear mailbox.

The envelope also has your site number on the front of it.

Inside the envelope we found a map that highlights direction to our site.
I go ahead of Joe in the car guiding him to our site. Don't go to the right. That way is one way.

We drive past the office (no one is in the office ever!) The laundry room is also in this building.
And here we are, in our new neighborhood at site 55. All sites and in roads are gravel.

At least we have a corner site. Our site is a long pull through.

Now that we were set up, it was time to walk Mallery. We walked to the small fishing lake.

You can see the plantation on the other side of the very tall fence.

Who ever lives in the plantation, probably didn't want to see us peons in our RV's. Can't say that I blame them, I wouldn't want to see all us RVers either if I lived in that magnificent home!

You didn't think you were going to go without a flower shot somewhere in the blog did you! These wild flowers were around the lake.

View as we walked back to our "Nest" from the lake. We are currently here and will be here until Monday. This park advertises as being the closest park from downtown Dallas at just 17 miles away. We are paying $29 a day, which is the weekly rate. If you don't want to stay a week, and you have a Good Sam's membership, you can use it too, to get the same $29 a day rate. There is no pool or any other amenities in the park, not even a bathroom or showers. If you don't have a bathroom in your RV, this isn't the place for you!

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