Monday, January 27, 2014

2nd Walk/Tour of Gulf State Pier, Gulf, Shores, AL.

November 2013

I was going through my pictures, and found that I had forgot about posting this particular day. During November while we were still at the Gulf State Park, we did another free Pier Tour. (On certain days of the week, the park opens free tours of the Pier, otherwise it cost $2 per person). View of the 6 Zipline towers in the park.
As we walked out on the pier the guide pointed to this Great Blue Heron who had something caught on his bill.

At first it looked to be a real problem, but the guide told us it was only on the lower bill, making it such that it could still eat.

Of course there were many fisherman catching fish.
Many brown pelicans were waiting for a free lunch.

Gulf Shores west from the pier.
Orange Beach to the east from the pier, with the State Park between the two towns.

The Great Blue Heron that we saw earlier with something hanging on his bill. I tried to get close enough to see what it was, but he would not let me get close enough to him.

This guy was rescuing a brown pelican from a fishing hook and line that was entangled around the pelicans wing. He told us that when the fisherman are pulling in their lines with a fish, the pelicans go for the fish, and get into this mess. He said this rescue is a common situation he has to do weekly and sometimes daily.

The pelican is finally freed, and thrown in the air.
This is Sam. He was rescued and taken care when he was young, and has become a permanent pier pelican. He is banded so the guides know it is him.

It was windy and cold that day, so everyone was dressed appropriately.

Sam stands and waits for a treat.

A fisherman throws Sam a small fish that he did not want. Sam had a hard time getting it swallowed.

He threw his head up and down, trying to get the fish positioned, so it could go down.

After the up and down action many times, Sam finally swallows the fish.

Sam gets back in line for another fish handout.

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