Saturday, January 18, 2014

Being a Grandma & Babysitting my Nana Boy Lennox

                  Thursday 12/26/2013

My little Nana kids keep asking me, " Where do you live Nana"? So I have been trying to babysit them in our Nest. Lennox came for a few hours and just has a hard time understanding Papa and I live in our small Nest.

Lennox is 5 years old and is my youngest daughter Tiffany's son.

On another day, Lennox came to our home for another couple of hours. ( After a couple hours he is ready to go home because there is not much to do in such a small place)! We walked from the Luxury RV Resort to Wade Ward Nature Park which is right next to our park.

Wade Ward Nature Park has boardwalks that go across the salt water marshes.

From the boardwalks you are able to see many of the migrating birds, and alligators during warmer weather.
A view of Luxury RV Resort office from the boardwalk.
We see Brown Pelicans daily in the salt water marshes.

Looking south away from our park from the boardwalk.

It was fun watching the Brown Pelicans flying above high and than dive into the water for their dinner.
The Wade Ward Natural Park consist of 12 acres of salt marsh. At the end of the boardwalk, I took this shot looking east. To the right is the beach, and to the left is the Luxury RV Resort.

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