Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cold Weather Comes Our Way In Gulf Shores, AL.

Tuesday 1/28/2014

 This has not been the best winter for us. I guess we can't complain, since most of the country has had a hard winter this year. The freezing rain started around 1PM and it didn't take long for us and our surroundings to be capsulized in ice.  

This is the first time in our 5 years of Full Timing to get ice.

Ice on the awning.

Ice on the bird feeder.

The next morning I dug out Mallery's boots so her little feet didn't get frost bite. (The last time she wore them was in the desert so she would not step on the many cactus burs

I had to be very careful not to fall going down our stairs on Mallery's morning walk.

We also had a dusting of snow during the night. The car windows had a sheet of ice on. Joe has been saying for a few weeks, "What are we doing here! We are mobile, we should be somewhere warmer". A couple we met last winter in southern Texas posted on FB that they had ice too. We have also heard of RVers who are complaining of cold weather in Fort Meyers, FL. this year. I guess it is just a bad winter everywhere.

Our back yard was a winter wonder ice land.

Our neighbors water line froze during the night ( even though he was running the water in his facet) and he had someone working on it to get the problem remedied.

Joe spent the day de- icing the steps, car window, and unhooking our water for tonights freeze. (We decided to use our fresh water tank water tonight to avoid any water line problem. Thankfully we did fine last night running the facet, but we didn't want to press our luck).

Joe didn't seem to have the touch to get Mallery to walk with her boots on. I had to bundle up and encourage her to walk. Once she got going, she seemed to gallop or trot like a horse. It was really funny to watch her. Her little bots went clippity clop also on the ice.

When we go back into the Nest she stood like this until I got my coat and shoes off and finally escaped her from her annoying boots.

It was not the best day for our "Birthday Boy Joe" who turned 61 today. He picked up a pizza from Pizza Hut, which helped to make it a better Birthday day.
Pictures of our grandson Lennox checking out his first  sight of snow ( even though it was so little).

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