Monday, January 13, 2014

Luxuy RV Resort, Gulf Shores, AL.

                   November 24, 2014

When I am in Gulf Shores, AL., I get away from blogging, FB and spend more of a normal life with family. So this blog is a bit behind, but hope to get caught up soon. Before we left the Gulf State Park Campground, we went to a Thanksgiving Pot Luck dinner in the rec-room.

The park held two dinners times, to accommodate the snowbirds that signed for it.

The park provided the turkey and dressing, and the rest was made by the snowbirds. The park was only about 1/2 full with half being from Ontario, Canada.
A few days later we enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at Tiffany's and Blake's, with the rest of the family. I didn't take any pictures because I was enjoying being a non Full Timer RVer, and a mom and grandmother instead. I saved all the turkey grease and the next day, used it to make turkey broth.

On December 1st, we drove a couple miles up the beach road to Hwy. 59 to Luxury RV Resort.
The park is just off Hwy. 59 1/2 block.

On that 1/2 block to the park, is Pizza Hut, Joe's favorite take out meal. Needless to say, the month we stayed there, pizza was on the menu several times.

The resort office is located across a small bridge and canal.

We picked out a site and set up only to find out our neighbor was a smoker.

The next day we moved across the street, because the weather was nice and we wanted to have open windows, without smoke filtering in.

This park has cement pads and patio's and is one long street of sites. It only took me 4 minutes to the girls, so it is the closest park to them.

We decided this was a better site because the sun came in our front window in the morning warming up the Nest. Unfortunately the next day we found out our neighbor to the east was also a smoker! Oh well, we tried!

The resort sits between to swampy areas where alligators live, though we didn't seem them, as it is too cool for them this time of year.

The Luxury RV Resort is 2 blocks from the beach, making it very convenient to walk there for sunsets.
Joe bought a salt water fishing license this year for $40.

He has caught 3 Atlantic Spadefish, 2 stingrays ( he threw them back in )for his 5 times shore fishing. This fish he threw back because he thought it was too small. On another day he did bring one home and cleaned and ate it.

While he was fishing once, he had 3 spear fishermen next to him. They never caught anything that day.

Luxury RV Resort has a small rec-room where Joe played cards on Friday night, and we attended a Christmas Pot Luck dinner.

View of the resort from the rec-room deck. You can see from this picture how the park is one road of 70 sites between a waterway marsh!
The resort has a nice small outdoor pool, but of course it is closed as the day and night temps are too cool for swimming.

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