Thursday, February 27, 2014

Second day Exploring Seaside & Water Color, FL. Part 2

                    Saturday 2/13/14

After dropping off our farmer market veggies, and picking up Mallery, we drove through Seaside and east on Hwy 30-A. I remembered a housing community that we had visited 5 years ago, and I wanted to find it to see how it had changed. we drove a bit but couldn't find it so we gave up. I had just started to blog 5 years prior, and didn't add many pictures or write about everything so I couldn't get any information on it's location, and only had memories, to rely on. On the way back I saw all this art stuff outside a shop, along the hwy. and had Joe stop.

Lots and lots of art stuff, as I said!
I picked up this little gem. It was price at $29, but Joe bargained with the owner, and got it for $20 which included tax. I had found a long wood piece with pretty much the same design, but it was for $79. Since I don't know my next home set up, and I hated to spend too much.
We headed to Publix ( a southern grocery store) which is located behind the Water Color neighborhood.
If you need lots of groceries and have a car you will probably get more for your money than the Seaside convenience store in town. It is located on Hwy. 395.
We took the scenic route home through the Water Color neighborhood.
It is a lot like the Seaside neighborhood, except most of the homes are much larger.
I really like looking at all the different styles of the homes in this neighborhood, and could spend hours riding a bike around it.
We got lost several times, finding ourselves going in circles, while trying to find our way to Hwy 30-A.
Joe got into his " I need to accomplish the task and find my way out of here", and I tried to remind him, I was enjoying looking at all the homes and it didn't matter if we didn't find the direct route straight home.
But no matter how much I tried to convince him to just relax and enjoy the drive, I could see he just needed to accomplish the task of finding his way home. Men!
So I did the best I could snapping pictures of what I could, of  houses that I liked.
There were many houses that I liked better, that were across the street, and  I didn't want to ask Joe to stop or turn around. He was on a mission that needed to be completed.
The homes ranged from 1,200 to 6,000 sq feet and from $500,000.00 to 4 million.
There are 1,500 homes in the community and all have a "Old Florida Cottage" style.
There are several private parks and pools, throughout the community.
Later that evening, I looked out our window and I could see that  there was a good sunset. I jumped into the car and drove to the boardwalk, and was met with people leaving and heading for their cars.
I got the tail-end of the sunset, but it was still beautiful, just as this area of the Gulf of Mexico is!


  1. Beautiful that area for sure. They have some wonderful bike trails leading to Seaside and Blue Mountain. Our little Orbit loves the basket rides while on our bikes. Have fun

    1. Hi Jana, Yes i wish I had bikes and a basket Because Mallery loves riding in the front also, and I would enjoy riding around this area.
