Sunday, March 9, 2014

Two Day Road Trip To North Shore Resorts, Greensboro, GA.

                     Friday 2/28/2014

After 4 nights at the St Andrews State Park in Panama City, it was time to move on. I point to where St Andrews State Park is in Panama City Beach. We cross the Grand Lagoon and then cross the St Andrews Bay to get to Panama City.

We made one boo boo in Panama City. We turned left here thinking this was the turn to 231 North, but

as we were turning, we could see the sign pointed to a left turn one block up Oops! Luckily it was an easy fix, and we just had to go around the block to re-catch it. Mistakes aren't alway this easy when you are 55 feet long. 

North of Panama City we took Hwy 20 east to, Hwy 12 north to I-10 east.
Just west of Tallahassee we found a rest stop for lunch. After lunch we continued east just a few miles on I-10 and then turn NE on Hwy. 319.
Shortly there after we entered into Georgia. 

Hwy 319 was a nice divided two lane road.
We saw Red Buds and Magnolia Trees blooming south and north of Tallahassee. Hwy 319 connected with I-75 where we found a Wal-Mart in Tifton, GA. for the night. The drive for the day was 200 miles, a 41/2 hours long drive with a 1/2 hr. stop for lunch. On my walk along the edges of Wal-Mart to tend to Mallery's needs, I noticed a homeless man camped out  behind some bushes. That evening we were going to walk over to McDonald's for dinner, so I asked Joe if we could see if the man wanted anything to eat. We walked over and I said, " Hey, we are going to McDonald's, can  I get you anything to eat. At first he said some lady had already brought him something. I said, "Are you sure, how about some hot chocolate". It was going to be a very cold night, close to freezing. He then said, "Well McDonald's has a two fish sandwich for $3 deal going on right now that I really like". I said, "OK, I will bring it back soon". The man could have asked for a Big Mac, french fries and a shake, and I would have been glad to buy it for him. But instead in his humbleness, he ask for deal meal. A man after Joe's and my heart. Thanks to the man letting us know about the deal, Joe and I got a fish each for $3 and shared a fry. I normally do not like to give homeless people money, because I think there are many avenues one can help ones-selves, through government, and churches, but this guy did not ask and I felt "Blessed" to have a warm place to sleep, and wanted to make sure he had some food in his belly to help keep him warm through the night. God has been showing me that I can never truly know what people have gone through in their lives to get to these kinds of situations. We are not to judge but to show that someone cares and has compassion for them. Jesus teaches us to feed the hungry. Not feed the hungry if they deserve it! I do not deserve to be forgiven for my sins, yet Jesus died on the cross so I could have eternal life. I just hope he felt the love of Jesus through me, because it was Jesus who asked me to feed him from him! I almost talked myself out of it because first I had to ask Joe to go with me and then it meant we had to walk over to the man in the dark and ask him if he wanted some food. This was out of my comfort zone. But I am so glad I did because it "Blessed" me so, to show this man he was worth someone caring for him, as Jesus cares for me!

The next day we drove I-75 for a long time. It had heavy traffic, and I was so glad when we got off at Macon, GA. to Hwy. 129. Here we were going through the Oconee National Forest. From Hwy. 129 we connected into Hwy 44 going NE. Joe likes interstates, I like these kind of roads, though I don't have to drive them.

Joe is crossing the Lake Oconee on Hwy. 44.

The North Shore Resort is located off Hwy 44 just north of I-20, and just southeast of Atlanta. We chose this campground because it is a Ocean Canyon Resort and we can stay for 3 weeks free. Our drive was 4 hours long with no place to stop for lunch or potty breaks for Joe.
We were told to keep a look out for the train cars, to turn into the park.

The train car to the right of our rig is the office.

We were given Site # 45, a pull through site.

We have a nice deck overlooking part of the park and Lake Oconee.

View out our Nest side window.

That evening we had a lovely sunset that went along with the lovely sunny day with high's in the mid 60's.

Below is one of the waterfront sites. We like where we are because we don't have trees dropping sticks, and sap onto our roof.
Everyday and night we have trains that run across the train bridge. We thought the noise of the trains would bother us, but if they wake us, it just rocks us back to sleep.
We have been here a week now, and will be here another 10 days. The last few days were really cold and rainy, but we have a week of 70's to look forward to. Today was a beautiful sunny day with a high of 73 degrees.
Below is a link of a map of our current location:,-83.775293,9z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x88f68b405ac21989:0x33a257b55ecc3b4c

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