Thursday, March 6, 2014

St Andrews State Park Beach Part 2

                   Tuesday 2/25/2014

After checking out the St Andrews State Beach in Panama City Beach, we were headed toward our camp site and ran across the state park pier.
Looking west from the pier I was amazed how clear the water was.
Looking east on the pier toward the state park point of the peninsula. (I wish now we had taken the time to come back to this pier at dusk, because if shark were feeding, you would see them clearly in the water below).
Off toward the peninsula jetty we could see someone in a fan propelled power parachute.
We watched as he got closer and closer.
He flew over us and on down the beach. 

 Wednesday 2/26/2014

The next day was rainy and cold. Near the end of the day, the rain stopped. After going to the store, I talked Joe into stopping at the Buttonbush Marsh Overlook in the state park.
The overlook has a very short boardwalk to the platform.
We looked for birds, turtles or alligators, but we didn't see anything so we didn't stay long. We did hear a few birds in the trees, but not being true birder, not seeing them right way, we got bored and moved on.
True birders will be quiet and wait and watch to see the birds that are singing. Joe and I are just too impatient for that. We have things to do and places to see!
Joe was ready to head home, but I talked him into going by the bigger marsh lake to see what we might see there.
The sun was setting so I knew I would get some great reflection shots.
This Great Blue Heron was standing so very still looking for dinner.
I know I was annoying to him, while I took pictures. He tried to ignore me while he was acting like a statue. After a couple more shots, I decide to give him his space.
Reflection on the fresh water marsh lake.
Clouds in the water.
We saw a couple of people looking out on the water. We looked for what they were looking at.
We spotted another Great Blue Heron sitting on top of a tree out on the water. Then I thought I spotted two bills.
I got my zoom lens out, and sure enough there were two Great Blue Herons in the tree together.
A man saw me taking these pictures, and  told me that the herons were nesting. Spring has sprung here in the south, and love is in the air!
In another grove of bushes I see these two Great Blue Heron's sitting apart from each other.
I think the male must be in hot water, sitting in another bush, as the female give him the cold shoulder.
We made one more stop to Gator Lake, and saw the group of Great Egrets still across the lake.
The Purple Gallinule's that we saw earlier that day were still there also.

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