Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Airport RV Park In Carthage, NC

                    Sunday 3/30/2014

The day we left from the Charlotte, NC area, there were wind advisories of gust up to 45mph. Luckily, the wind was behind us as we traveled east on Hwy. 74. When we turned north on I-74/73, Joe had 20 minutes of white knuckled driving due to cross winds. Then we turned east again on Hwy. 24/27 to the town of Carthage, NC. When I posted and cropped this picture for the blog, I noticed the church sign message: "2014 Less Of Me More Of Him" and decided to include it. I did start reading the Bible again a couple of months ago. I use to read it daily before we started Full Timing 5 1/2 years ago in our RV. I guess this message reaffirms what I have been feeling; that I have slipped away from the routine of his word, and it was time to get back in his presence.
When you enter Carthage, NC, if coming from the west, the courthouse sits in the middle of a round about.
At the 2nd turn, we turned south for a couple of miles and turned at the the Pik N Pig sign,
according to the RV park directions.
As we pulled down the road, we noticed a private airport to the right, the Pik N Pig straight ahead, and the RV park to the left. We stopped here and unhooked the car.
The Airport RV Park is very small with only 16 sites. You can see us just on the other side of the big bus to the right of the picture.
View out our front window. After talking to a neighbor, I found out most of the RV's in the park are permanent except for us and our immediate neighbor.
The owner of the RV park also owns the Pik N Pig building and the airport.
After setting up I checked out the neighborhood.
According to a neighbor, this restaurant is really good, and at a reasonable price.
When we first pull into the park, we noticed the parking lot was completely full. The restaurant closes at 3:00 on Sunday, so everyone was gone by the time I did my walk about the neighborhood.
We plan on eating here before we leave.
As you can see from the wind sock, it was really windy still. It was around 59 degrees that day, but because the wind was so strong, it felt really cold, making it necessary for a winter coat.
I could still smell the smoked pork meat from the smoke pit as I walked around. Yum!
I follow several Full Time Rvers, and the blogger of the, "On the Road of Retirement" at http://zeetraveler.blogspot.com/ blogged about the Pinehurst area. He said he really liked this area and is considering living here if and when they settle back down. They stayed at the Heritage Campground in Carthage, NC, so we considered that park. Joe was concerned about all the tall pines in the park, which might cause trouble getting cable, phone and a WiFi connections. The Heritage Campground also has a six tenths of a mile long dirt road into the park which Joe was unsure about. The Airport RV Park provides free WiFi, and it is very quiet at night. So far we are very happy with our choice of parks. We only wish we had our neighbors site, because their site sits in the opposite direction allowing them to watch the airplanes coming and going all day.
The next day we drove into Carthage for groceries. The town had a Wal-Mart Express which has very limited products selection. The town also has a Food Lion that has a much better selection.
The town has some neat older homes. From what I could find, the town was established at least by the 1800's.
Carthage has a population of a little less than 2000, and not much else to see that we could find. It is located 12 miles from Pinehurst, NC.

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