Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Black Mountain, North Carolina

                      Sunday 4/13/2014

On our last day in Marion, NC, we took a drive on Hwy. 70 west to  the town of Black Mountain.
We had weekend neighbors at Buck Creek RV Park, who lived in Black Mountain, and said it was a nice town to visit. The town of Black Mountain, is surrounded with mountains on all sides. Our neighbors told us this town has had a lot of black bears and their cubs come down the mountain for food. She said one lady was afraid to go out to her mail box, because one bear keeps coming to eat her peaches off her tree in her back yard.
The historic down town area has many fun shops to explore, though I only drug Joe into about three. I mostly window shopped that day.
Instead I spent time getting pictures of the high points of the historic down town area. Here is the old train station.
One of the main shopping streets is Cherry Ln. Yes we brought our baby with us on this day!
Of course there are a couple of ice cream shops.
Our neighbors recommended "My Father's Pizza & Pasta" for dinner, which is pet friendly also.

We ordered the medium My Father's Supreme.
I had a Moscato white wine, my new most favorite wine. With our travels, I have had a chance to try different wines. I hate red wines because they are so dry. Moscato is not dry or too sweet, but just right. Joe didn't get anything since he was driving.
First time we ever had a pizza with thin shaved meat on it, but it works!
Mallery was a perfect angel and didn't even bark for food while we ate!
"Mom, stop taking pictures, or I will bark"! She's like most kids, who hate mom's who love to take pictures of their kids, or in my case, my baby.
When we got home, we walked Mallery for the last time around the park.
I so have enjoyed the flowing trees this Spring.
Mallery found we are far enough north to find lush Iowa smelling grass.
She really indulged in old memories while at the Buck Creek RV Park.
She seemed to romp and roll in the exact same spot on our walk around the park each day.
Nothing like soft green lush grass to make Mallery happy!
We said our good bye to Buck Creek RV Park in Marion, NC. We highly recommend this park. It's a bit pricey, but so very well maintained and located near so many attractions.

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