Tuesday, April 29, 2014

W. Kerr Scott Dam And Reservoir, Wilkesboro, N.C.

                       Sunday 4/20/2014

On one of the days that we had drove into Wilkesboro for groceries and a post office stop, I kept my eyes open for churches. I shot a picture of Cornerstone Church, and checked out more about the church later on the internet. On Easter Sunday, we attended this church. We were Blessed with "Higher Ground" presented the service with their awesome music, vocals, and message. After church, Joe told me his lip started to feel like it was getting numb like when you get a Novocain shot at the dentist half way during the service.
I looked at him, and said, "yes your upper lip is swollen" His cheek was also a little swollen. At first we though maybe he was allergic to something he ate for breakfast.
As the day continued, his lip continued to swell. He didn't want to go the the hospital because he felt fine otherwise. I told him if he started to have problems breathing, we needed to head to the hospital immediately.
After lunch, we decide to take a drive to the W. Kerr Scott Dam and Reservoir on the south edge of Wilkesboro.
After driving across the dam, I got this picture.
There were several families enjoying the warm sunny Easter next to the reservoir.
"The 1,475-acre reservoir offers excellent boating, canoeing, kayaking and swimming opportunities. Anglers will find channel catfish, large and smallmouth bass, bluegill, threadfin shad, spotted bass, hybrid striped bass and tiger muskellunge" per internet quote.
As the day continued, Joe's swelling of his upper lip spread to the rest of his lip.
He was getting frustrated with all my pictures, but I felt we should document it.
Left view
 The next morning the swelling was gone. Since then, Joe has ate everything one at a time, that he had ate that morning. Eggs, sausage, English muffin, and jelly. He had salmon the night before, so he also tried that one on another day. Nothing seemed to cause any problems. We have decided something bit him in church that caused the swelling. Funny thing is, he never felt anything bite him. It might always be a mystery.
The MerleFest was to start on the following Thursday, but it cost $40 a per person.  Moravian Falls Campground was costing us $35 a day, which is higher then our budget, so Joe wanted to move on. The camp host told me that in the evenings during the festival, there would be all kinds of talented singing around the campfire, so I kind of thought maybe we should stay. We also didn't see Grandfather Mountain, The Blowing Rock attraction, or get to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway to the famous Linville Viaduct. The week we were here, we had rainy, cold, and windy weather, making it not favorable to spend money for the attractions. Oh well it will give us a reason to come and visit this area again some day, next time in the fall.

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