Saturday, May 17, 2014

On The Road Again But Only To Tawas City, MI.

                                         Friday 5/16/2014

We left Sterling MI. and drove an hour north on Hwy. 23 to Tawas City. This is a view of Tawas Bay in Tawas City.

We found a parking spot at the Tawas City Super Wal-Mart.
Our view out the front window was McDonald's (which we had for dinner) and Lake Huron. A perfect spot, but we soon realized there was a railroad track right next to us. We had two trains blowing their horns while going by. Darn we thought, "there goes our good night sleep".
After setting up, we unhook, and drove back to the Tawas Point State Park that we had visited the day before on our day drive.
This park is one of the best birding spots in the midwest with over 290 species of birds passing through during migration. Mid May is the best time for seeing different birds.
I took some more picgtures of some of the same birds I had taken the day before. I couldn't figure out what bird this was, but I am thinking it is a female Baltimore Oriole.

This one maybe a first spring female Balitmore Oriole, because her head is not as dark.

Same bird as above.

Male Baltimore Oriole

Another male baltimore Oriole.

The Oriole's enjoyed a drink from the Hummingbird feeder.
I have seen these black squirrels since we arrived in Northern Michigan, but this was the first chance I got to get a picture of one.

This Hummingbird kept it's back to me so I could not ID it.

Female and male Rose-breasted Grosbeak and an Oriole hanging upside down.
Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak

There were many of these guy's eating seeds below the feeder.

I think they are White-crowned Sparrows.
We walked a path to the campground. The campground was pretty full for this time of year. We suspect with all the birder.

Pond located off from the campground.

As we walked back down the path toward the lighthouse and parking lot we saw lots of birders.

Joe heard one of them pointing out a Magnolia Warbler. It was deep in the brush so there was no way I could get a picture, let alone see it.

We found the "Pet Friendly" beach, and walked Mallery on the boardwalk.

It was a very cold day, but at least the sun was out and it was not raining.

We could see why the beach was pet friendly! It wasn't much of a beach. Maybe in the summer it isn't so marshy.

We walked back to the parking lot (which was almost full) and toward Tawas Bay. View of another pond before we got to the bay.

Dogs are not allowed on this beach, so I walk the boardwalk by myself for a picture.

Joe and Mallery wait for me in the distance.

Mallery has been having digestive issues, so I didn't want her expending to much energy on this day, even though it was so cool. I am hoping we can get things straighten out. She seemed to get better, then the problems re-occurred, just when we thought she was getting better. If she doesn't get better, she will be seeing a vet this Monday. At least she is not throwing up any more.

On the way to Wal-Mart I took a picture of this RV park that sits on Hwy. 23 and Lake Huron. Joe called about the park, but it is 90% full of seasonal permanent RV's. The other 10% of sites are not big enough for a 40 foot RV. That night we were Blessed with not one single train going by and blowing it's horn. Praise The Lord for the good night sleep. We did have to get out the down comforter and set the furnace at 57 degrees. With the two, we were "snug as a bug in a rug"

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