Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Our Little Mallery Turns 13

                                     Wednesday 5/2/2014

Most years we seem to forget Mallery's birthday. But because she is getting older and she was turning 13 it was a big deal to me this year. My favorite number is 13, so I have been praying she would make it to 13.
She was getting frustrated with me because I was trying to get a cute picture of her with a Birthday hat on. She hates pictures anyway because of the flash, and then there was that darn hat pushing her ears down!
 I pushed the hat back so her ears felt better.
In small dog years she is now 68 years old. She used to be younger then us, but the last two birthdays, she has passed us up.
We sang Happy Birthday to her, as she looked at us strangely. She seemed to know it was all about her, but why? If you can't tell, I LOVE my Mallery!
We stayed home and kept the day a quiet day with a few longer walks, just how she likes her days.

But even with a quiet day, it all seemed to be exhausting, and by 3PM she was all stretched out on the couch sawing logs. Joe snuck up and put her birthday hat next to her and took some pictures. I would have spoiled her with something special to eat, but I have been doing that lately, (adding beef and rice to her dry food) and she doesn't think that is so special any more. She always has been a very finicky eater. I am lucky to get her to eat 1 meal a day. Happy 13th/68th Birthday Princess Mallery. We Love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Mallery! I wish many more travel adventures for you and lots of green grass to roll in and paved roads to walk on as I know you hate the rocks. Take care sweet little one .Leslie from Eureka CA +_+

    1. Hi Leslie, You gave me a very BIG smile with your comments. Mallery say' " Thank you for all your Birthday wishes, especially wishes for many more lush green grass"! How have you been? Have you been doing any travel, or any plans in the future? How is your little Yorky? Have you been still doing medical treatments? Hope all is well with you and sending Prayers and Blessings your way!

    2. Hi Diane,Joe and Mallery, My little doggie is a very picky eater also. She won't eat any dog food. I feed her turkey breast and milk bones. Sometimes she eats apple or brocolli..weird isn't it. She turns her head away if I try to give her steak or Bacon LOL .We sold our motorhome, it just became to hard on me to travel long distances. We take short trips and stay in a Hotel though. I still get my Arthritis treatments and I am doing OK. I really enjoy your blog, you do a great job. My best to you all. GOD BLESS Leslie +_+

  2. Hi Leslie, Your little one seems even more fussy than mine. Mallery loves bananas, apples, and all eats from the table. Probably why she is fussy about dog food. My husband says you should never give dogs food from our table. I wish I had listen to him as now she goes all day without eatting until she see we are done eating. Then she will nibble on her food a few minutes. I am glad you get to travel whether by RV or motel still. I am glad you can join us on our travels. I like to travel with others also. God Bless you and your family.
