Monday, December 29, 2014

Grand Ole Opry House

                                             Sunday 10/26/2014
          I know it has been a long time since I last blogged, but now that we are with family, it has got a bit hectic, with the grand kid's activities, Thanksgiving, shopping, and Christmas. All is well with us, and Mallery is doing good. I hope I will get caught up before we leave Gulf Shores, AL., on April 1, 2015, to go back to Iowa. So lets get back to where we left off..........

I last blogged with us in Nashville. On our second full day in Nashville, we drove to the Grand Ole Opry. The Grand Ole Opry was just blocks away, but we didn't know that and took the interstate down a few exits to get there from our campground. This is the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, which is walking distance to the Grand Ole Opry. The resort has a golf course, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, and gym. Rooms start at $191 a night with 1 king size bed or 2 queen size beds. There are rooms that face the atrium, but are at a higher price. It is a very beautiful resort from the pictures I saw on the internet.
Out front of the Opry is a billboard informing who you can see during the month of your visit.
Since we were here for just a overview of Nashville, we didn't see any of the shows. Maybe next time when we are driving south from Michigan to Alabama some other year.
Joe standing next to one of the extra large giant guitars.
I guess he is being a ham now!
It was a park like setting up to the Grand Ole Opry House.
And here it is! Some how I thought it would have been much more grand!
Another view of the Opry House.
You can take tours of the Opry House daily, beginning at 10:00 AM.
Tour are every 30 minutes until 5:00 PM. An adult ticket cost $20.00. I think not for these two penny pincher. We will see it someday when we see a show.
Right next to the Grand Ole Opry is a mall. It was a hot day and Mallery was not doing well, so we made our our trip to the Grand Ole Opry short and went back home to check on her.

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