Thursday, December 4, 2014

On The Road To Two Rivers Campground In Nashville, TN.

                                           Thursday  10/23/14
We left the Newmar Service Center, in Nappanee, Indiana and continued our road trip west on Hwy 6 to Hwy 31 and turned south. When we entered the metropolis of Indianapolis from Hwy 31 to go through the city, we were redirected by detour signs for construction. The detour took us a ways and then to a round about and where we were suppose to get off the round about at the 2 exit. Unfortunately there were signs for weight restrictions that were clearly below our weight. We ended up taking the round about back to where we came from and headed back, thinking we must have taken the wrong turn at the detour. This time we went the other way, which took us through the big city only to take us to another round about and an exit on the round about with another sign of weight restrictions. Joe and I were starting to panic. We took the round about exit and headed back where we had just come from and got turned around thinking we missed a sign. We followed the detour signs again, and got the same results. Joe was raising his voice asking what and where was he suppose to go. Being the navigator and completely stumped, I finally told him to pull over to a road that led to a Lowe's parking lot and we could get our wits together. Talk about being highly stressed! We have traveled for 6 years all around the big USA and never have been in a situation where we had turned around 3 times and were still unsure what the heck to do.
In the Lowe's parking lot I found a man heading to his truck, and I asked if he could help us. After I explained our blight, and told him all we wanted to do was to get out of town, he remarked that he felt the same way too sometimes. He told me the city of Carmel, a suburb of Indianapolis, was in a real mess with construction, and he understood our problem. After some thought he decided to direct us on another route completely different from either of the ways we had tried to go. He had us go west from Carmel and to some more round abouts. His written directions and map seemed to fall into place making us confident that we were not on a wild goose chase.
His directions took us through neighborhoods, and several round abouts, and then past a hospital,
and back to the interstate. I just wish I could have given that nice man a big HUG for saving Joe and I from the mental breakdown that we were both heading for before we found him. It is one thing to be lost in a big city in a car, but it is clearly a different story when you are in a 40 foot bus pulling a car. If you take a wrong turn, you can truly get yourself into some real jams, as we have experience and stories I have heard of.
What is unbelievable is that Mallery seemed to sleep through the whole thing.
Normally the minute Joe gets stressed, Mallery is up and stressing right along with him. And this time I was just as stressed as Joe.  (Lot of times Joe is stressed, and the only reason I know he is stressed is because Mallery is acting stressed and so I ask Joe if he is stressed. He tells me yes, which confirms why Mallery is acting stressed).
The construction around Indianapolis and all the way to Gulf Shores, AL was the worst we had seen in a long time. I guess fall is not a good time to travel.
As I said the construction was continual! We stopped for the night at Wal-Mart in Scottsburg, Indiana. The next day we continued our snowbird trek!
Scottsburg is just north of Louisville, Kentucky on I-65, and we hope Kentucky will be better, as far as road construction was concerned.
View of Louisville, Kentucky as we cross the Ohio River.
I wish I could get better pictures through my side window, but I always get reflections! 
Because I am writing this almost 2 months later, I think Kentucky was better with less construction, though there was some if I remember correctly! Kentucky is a narrow state from north to south, so it didn't take long for us to enter into Tennessee.
This was an interesting road sign. Unbelievable there are that many fatalities in Nashville yearly. Probably from all the texting!
We stayed at the Two River Campground in Nashville, TN which is located right off I-55 which is the interstate that goes around the city. We didn't have to go out of our way, as this campground was on our route.  Fellow snowbird's from Michigan told us about this campground. We meet Donna and Steve in Harlingen, Texas the winter of 2013.
We stayed at this campground for 4 nights at $45.75 a night.
It was a very pricey park for us, but it was walking distance to the  Grand Ole Opry, and there is a shuttle service for $10 per person round trip to downtown.

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