Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lunch & Madalena's 4th Birthday Party

                                                           November 2014

My daughter asked me to go to lunch with her. The restaurant we met at was in the only outdoor mall in Gulf Shores,
at the Pelican Place At Craft Farm. If you need more shopping, the Tanger Outlet is just 8 miles up the road to the next town of Foley. If that is not enough shopping, you can always go to Fairhope about 40 minutes away to the NW or Pensacola, Fl. about 50 miles away to the NE.
Alisha and Tiffany's favorite restaurant is the Cactus Flower Cafe, an authentic Mexican restaurant.
This day I was having lunch with Alisha my oldest daughter and her daughter Madalena June.
Back at home I walked Mallery. She had been doing pretty good. Some days she had lots of energy on her walk, but most days she was really slow.
I continued to make her food from scratch every week. This was boiled chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes. I grind it all up in my food processor and then freeze it. She also gets some canned dog food mixed into 1 or two of the cubes; once warmed up, per serving. She has been eating 2 to 3 meals a day depending on her hunger level.

November 17, 2014
On November 17, we celebrated Maddie's 4th Birthday. This group is family and friends from both Jamie and Alisha's sides.
Of course they had a bounce house out front for the kids. Joe and I think they spend too much money for the kids birthday. When my kids were young they had family and friends over for cake and ice cream and presents and that was it. Now a days the young parents spend way too much on birthday parties. I say, what are you going to have to spend when they get older. It will have to be bigger and better. I guess I better shut up. Now you know how I get myself in trouble with my daughters.
Madalena's theme this year was Elsa the Snow Queen from the 2013 Disney movie. I had never heard of Elsa until I arrived to the party. Shame on you grandma Diane, you need to keep up with all these things!
Elsa The Snow Queen Birthday cake.
And Olaf cupcakes. Olaf is a snowman, for you who aren't up with kids stuff either.
My mother June, age 88, flew down for a week from Iowa, so she got to attend the party also. Madalena June was named after her Great Grandmother June.
Blake Ray,
 Tiffany's by common law husband and Lennox's dad. I  snuck a picture of Blake since I didn't have one of him yet this season.
Maddie pulling off a candle off the Elsa cake.
Mommy Alisha and Birthday girl Maddie.

Daddy Jamie helping Maddie opening presents, which was fast and furious and 75% of presents were Elsa the Snow Queen related. But not me, I beat the drum to a different beat. Now that can be good and sometimes bad!
My grand kids Noah, Lennox and Maddie.
Lennox checking out one of Maddie's new toys, a make up vanity.
Maddie wants to do mama's makeup.
Open up mommy.
Lennox supervises, as Maddie tries putting on her own makeup.
This was her favorite present. At last she can be like mommy and put on makeup. I wish I had thought of this gift!

Her makeup was done to perfection for a 4 year old! ( Heh Heh).
On a side note, Mallery continues to improve as we have been able to lower her prednisone from 1 1/2 ml's every 4 hours to 1ml every 12 hours. On the negative side we found out from the veterinarian why Mallery was at her water bowl, and consequently needing to go outside all the time, sometimes every 15 minutes. It is a side effect of prednisone. Before we understood what was going on, we had a couple of accidents. But I can't complain as this is a huge improvement from a week ago, where I thought we were going to have to put her down. Thank you God for answering our prayers!

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