Sunday, February 15, 2015

Let Go Fly A Kite!

                                                              December 2014

After taking a walk on the beach that day, we thought we should go get our grandson and take him to the beach.
It was a gorgeous day and we though we could take him there to fly a kite. As Joe put the kite together back at the car, Lennox ran down toward the water and I followed.
The problem was,  that the sun was setting and we figured out we should have taken him to the beach earlier that day, and we could have done our beach walk at sunset. Next time we will have our heads on straight I guess.
Lennox ran around playing in the sand asking when Papa was going to bring the kite down to the beach.
I told him hopefully he would down to the water shortly, that he must be having problems getting the kite together.
He sat in the sand and played in it being such a patient little 6 year old.

I took advantage and did a photo shoot while we waited.
The sun was setting quickly and I could see Joe on the bench by the car working on the kite. It didn't seem to bother Lennox. He was too busy playing near the water.
As the sun was setting, I was getting cold. It didn't seem to affect Lennox at all.
I guess I should have got up and started to run in circles and I would have kept warm too.
I started to realize that there was not going to be a kite going up after all.
Oh well Lennox seemed to have just as much fun playing in the sand and surf!
Lennox and I walked back toward the car and Joe told me he thought the kite was defective. I looked at it and I agreed with him. There is a learning curve on being grandparents, and the kite went back to the store! Lennox and I walked over to watch the sun set.
We got Lennox back home where his dad had just finished putting up his Christmas decorations.
Joe's feast of crab legs that night from a restaurant that occasionally has a deal with the single legs that have broken away from the rest. I like crab also, but for some reason, I must have had something else planned for dinner.

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