Thursday, April 30, 2015

Old Buddies, Elimating Suitcases, And Treatments

                          Tuesday 4/28/15
Mallery hangs with her old buddy Kay, to beg for some of her orange.

Smile girls for a picture!

Back out to the storage shed to go through suitcases of clothing.
We managed to consolidate from 8 suit cases to 4 suit cases.
It was a beautiful sunny day. Just perfect for a afternoon nap with a nice breeze from the open windows and moon roof. It was even better knowing mom and dad were just steps away working while she took her siesta.

Today was the 2nd day for treatments of fluid being put under Mallery's skin at her regular Dr. at Park Town Veterinary. The vet office is kind and not charging me for the treatments. I just have to buy the fluid, tubing, and needles. Checkout Mallery's new high water leg cut, courtesy of Eastern Iowa Veterinary Specialty Center. Mallery does really well with the treatment. The worse part, was just being at the vet office.


  1. Hi it's Leslie, Has Mallery been eating better? She looks so stylish is her Pink outfit! Joe looks more unhappy to be at the Vets than Mallery does lol. Bless you both for loving her so much.+_+

    1. Hi Leslie, You aren't doing anything wrong. I have to clear all comments because some comments are clearly advertising only. Sometime I don't get to my emails which tell me I have some comments waiting to be published or deleted if spam comments. Mallery is eating better, though it is not dog food. She will only eat what I am eating presently. One day we had tenderloins, and to woofed that down like she had not ate in weeks. another day it was a Ruben sandwich. One night we ate at my mom's and she had banana cream pie. She loved the pie. Tonight she had chicken, green beans and potatoes from my plate.Give her dog food and she just walks away. We just want to get weight back on her. We just live day by day, not knowing where this is going. I have hope, but Joe feels at time, her quality of life is not good. The last few days she has enjoyed longer walks than she has done in a long time. Like I said, it is a day by day situation, but isn't that life for all of us! Thanks again for your faithful encouragement of prayers and love. Joe, Mallery and I really appreciate them so much. Hope all is well with you and your family, and fur buddy!

  2. I must have messed up when leaving my last comment as it didn't post. This isn't the first time it hasn't posted..not sure what i'm doing wrong. Mallery looks so cute in her pink outfit. It is very nice of the Vets office to only charge for the supplies. Is she eating better? Did she eat some of Kay's Orange ? My Doggie loves Oranges I always share with her when I eat one. I pray Mallery feels better. Bless you both for the loving care you are giving her. Leslie +_+

  3. It's me again.. I think I figured it out....When it did not post before I think I had forgotten to hit publish again after doing the "Proving I'm not a Robot"....also, I like selecting the matching pictures better than the weird words as sometimes they were hard for me to make out all of the letters in the word with the exaggerated lettering. Take care Leslie +_+
