Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day With Mother June Bug

                                 Sunday May 10, 2015

This is the first time in 6 years that we are in Iowa for Mothers Day. After going to church with my mother, I took her out for dinner at the Adelita's. This is a fairly new restaurant in Cedar Rapids, so we decided to try it out.

My mother June Bug dislike picture, so I snuck one in, while she was looking at thee menu.

The enchiladas were excellant. Naturally Joe spent the day with his mother Kay.

A few days later, Joe, Kay and I were invited over to my mother's for dinner. My mom lives in a 55 and older apartment building. Dogs are not allowed, so I sneak Mallery in when I go over. I open a bag and put her in. I tell her to put her head down, and she puts her head down. Then I put her blanket over the bag and we headed up the 3 flight of stairs, while Joe and Kay took the elevator. I have been doing this for the last four years, since mom moved in to this place. The other day, I was coming home with mom, and we headed up the stairs. One of her neighbors showed up and started talking to mom. Needless to say, it took much longer to get up the stairs, with conversation, and her friend being a very slow stair climber, and I was behind her friend. Mallery knows the MO, and didn't make a peep. As soon as we got into mom's apartment she pop's her head out of the bag. Mallery is such an amazing dog and  always seems to understand what I want from her. She puts up with all my shenanigans!

On the way home, we had to stop for a family of Canadian geese, another common event every time I drive over to mom's. Mallery continues to have her ups and downs, Last week she was doing so good, I thought maybe her new supplements were the reason. I stopped her fluids under the skin for 2 days, which caused a set back. Now we are trying to get her back to where she was. Today Joe and I had 2 more vet tech teaching sessions in the morning and late afternoon. I had been struggling with the administration of fluids which was causing stress on Mallery and I. I will be leaving in a few days to fly down to Gulf Shores, AL. for my granddaughter, Hayleah's graduation. While I am gone, Joe will take Mallery for fluid treatments to be done at the vets by a tech. I am stressing a little about leaving Mallery for 4 days. Please keep Mallery in your prays while we have this separaton  Our time is winding down here, and we should be heading back to Michigan in a little over a week. Our departure will also be determined by weather conditions, which will be needed to load up a moving truck.

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