Monday, June 8, 2015

Nana Girl 1 Graduates

                                          May 19, 2015

I know I am way behind again, but we have been soooooooooooo busy lately. I will try to get caught up in the near future. My main reason for my 3 day trip back to Gulf Shores, AL was for my oldest granddaughter's high school graduation. Before the graduation, Alisha, my oldest daughter, and her husband Jamie had a graduation luncheon at "The Gulf" Pictured above is Hayleah and Alisha.

Me and my Nana Girl 1.

Alisha, Hayleah, and Jamie

"The Gulf" is one of my favorite places to eat in the Gulf Shore's area because of the atmosphere.

And the sandwiches are great at a reasonable price.
Caught this picture of Hayleah while in a conversation with someone else.

The Gulf is just west of the pass in Orange Beach, AL.
We got to meet Hayleah's grandparents from Minnesota for the first time.
After the luncheon, we went back to our hotel with my daughters, one of their friend, to go to the beach for a while. (the grand kids were still in school).
View out our 5th floor Sleep Inn room.

That evening it was Hayleah's graduation. I had to drop mom and Karen off so they wouldn't have to walk too far and park in the parking ramp a few blocks away.

The graduation was at the Amphitheater at the Wharf, which is a shopping, condominium, marina area in Orange Beach.

We found the rest of the crew, Alisha, Noah, Madalena, and Lennox. Hayleah's dad Joe is behind Alisha in the plaid shirt and sun glasses from Minnesota. (Tiffany, Blake and Jamie were present but not in the picture).

Noah, Alisha and Maddie.

Jamie holding Madalena, trying to keep her occupied during the long and boring speeches.

Cute as can be, even upside down! Below is a video of Hayleah getting her diploma.

Just before the graduation ended, I headed for the back so I could get out before the crowd. I had to get the rented car from the parking ramp and then find my way to the other side of the amphitheater to pick up mom and Karen.
Because I had to leave early to get to the other side to pick up mom and Karen, I never got a picture of Hayleah in her cap and gown, so I got this picture off Hayleah's Facebook page. ( Hayleah on the left side as you look at the picture).

These next pictures are pictures Alisha took for Hayleah's graduation picture, since Alisha is a professional photographer.

Alisha has given up her studio again and gone back to work for a Vacation Rental business because she was not making enough money working for herself.
It's too bad because she has grow tremendously as a photographer in the last 3 years. These pictures are pictures of pictures I took off Facebook. That is why there are shadows down the middle of the pictures.

It is really hard to get a business going and to survive for the first 5 years, hence why Alisha has struggled every time she has tried to get her business up and running.

Hayleah received scholarships to 3 of the colleges she applied for. One in California, (the one she really wanted to go to), Chicago ( her dad and I wanted her to go to), and Savannah, Georgia (the one her mom wanted her to go to). In the end Hayleah picked Savannah because she would end up with the least amount of college debt compared to the other two.
Our last day in Gulf Shores, we spent showing Karen around since this was her first time there. The next day I flew out a few minutes before mom and Karen. My flight schedule was Pensacola, Florida, to Charlette, NC, to Chicago to Cedar Rapids. Mom and Karen flight schedule was Pensacola to Tampa to Chicago, to Cedar Rapids. I was on America Airlines and they were on United. I mistakenly got a Starbucks mocha coffee that was not caffeine free in Charlotte and had anxiety the entire day. My flight out of Charlotte was on a huge jet and I was in the very last seat. The power I felt from that back seat was tremendous. I felt like I was going out to space. Mom and Karen had several delays and both of their luggages were not in CR when they finally arrived. It was a long and stressful day for all three of us. I was so glad to be back on ground, and finally got to see my fur baby who seemed to do pretty good while I was gone. We are in Boyne City, Michigan now and have been here for a little over a week. Mallery has been doing pretty good, and I will fill you in more on all that has transpired since I got back from Gulf Shores, AL.

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