Sunday, September 27, 2015

Third Round Of Guest

                                           Wednesday 9/2/15

On the second day that my mom and older sister arrived we drove to the town of Charlevoix. We walked over to the canal that goes from Lake Charlevoix to Lake Michigan.
My sister Karen had walked down a bit to get some pictures.
In down town Charlevoix , this is a mural of the draw bridge that opens on the hour for big boats to go back and forth from both lakes. We didn't want to wait for 40 minutes for the bridge to open for the picture, so you got this instead.
My mom told me before she came, she was really going to enjoy our porch. I guess she really meant it!

Captain Joe is ready to take out the next round of guests.

Mom enjoying the ride.

View of our place after our boat ride for the day.
That evening my younger sister Nancy and her husband Jim arrived in a down pour. They live in Wisconsin, so they drove up the west side of Lake Michigan, across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and back down the east side of Lake Michigan to our place.
Anyone who knows my mom, knows she hates pictures of herself being taken.
Here she is trying to hide her neck for the picture. (I understand as my neck is aging also. Yikes)

I took 26 pictures of mom and Nancy and it was a really good laugh. What mom goes through for a picture!
Straightening out her wrinkles.
If nothing else she tries to hide her face with one hand.
See what I mean!
Now you can see how I became so vain. It's always your parents fault right!
Of course Nancy and Jim wanted to go boating on Lake Charlevoix too.
It started out a bit cloudy, but turned out to be a beautiful day. One thing great about September boating is the water  is so smooth.  There is hardly any boats out on the lake except for Labor Day weekend.
There were 2 big race boats out that day though.

And they produce big waves of course.
Back on land Jim thought we needed a picture and then a video. Below is a snippet of my family. It's so nice to be amongst your own. A dork with the rest of her dorky family! I Love them all so much. (To be continued)

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