Friday, October 30, 2015

Fall at Lake Charlevoix

                                      Mid September 2015

"Good morning sunshine" 
We still had nice weather mid September, so we took the boat out and got half way to the town of Charlevoix. The whole day we took it slow, and enjoyed the weather. It was too hot, so Mallery didn't have her life jacket on during our slow ride. As we headed back, the day cooled down and I put Mallery's life jacket on. Joe put the "foot to the pedal" so to speak, to get home faster. The video below is of Mallery swimming, either because we were going fast or because she had a life jacket on. She has never done this before, so either it was instincts or she remembers being put in water when she was younger with a life jacket on. Anyway it was way cute!

Mallery under the dash to cool down from the sun when it came out. The next video was back home. It shows how blind she has gotten in the last 9 months. ( Mallery got her top knot cut off because I felt she had enough to deal with these days. She was always good about getting her hair combed and put up each day, but it was not her favorite thing to do).

By the end of September, we finally had gone through all our boxes of stuff and set up for the garage sale. I just wish we had got rid of so much of this 7 years ago. If I had know we would  be on the road for so long, I would have sold most of it back then. If we only had a crystal ball!

Mallery really looks good for being so sick. She has got more confused lately. The vet thinks she probably has tumors in her brain which is causing the confusion. She can not have MRI's or be put under, because of her collapsing trachea. Most dogs with this condition don't make it through anesthesia. ( If this is the last entry of this blog that shows up, look for the "Read more" below because there is more to this blog. Not sure why it is showing up like this. It has never done this before)

In the evening Joe goes down to the lake with beer in hand to survey his property and the lake.
On my 61st Birthday, we went to the Cafe Sante' in Boyne City. I got the Filet Mignon and the karl kasper kabinett  riesling 2014 .

This riesling was really good. The waitress gave us a sampler so we were sure we would like it. I shared with Joe, so as to lower the expense.

I normally would not order the most expensive item on the menu, but because it was my Birthday, my meal was half price. And let me tell you, it was the best meal I have ever had in a restaurant.

Joe had the Chicken and Shrimp Risotto, and even though it was good, there was no comparison to my delectable meal!

As you can see, my meal was cheaper because of my 1/2 off discount.

For dessert I got the Chocolate Torte.

Very yummy also!

My Birthday promo was $21.00. Can't beat that for a restaurant birthday gift!

Did I ever mention, we have very hard water here from our well. Our water pressure dropped one day, and Joe finally figured out the filter was full. Our water has a ton of iron in it! 
Just another view of the crystal clear water off the end of our dock, before we boarded the boat for a ride. Mind you this is 5 feet of water.
After a ride, Joe decided to try fishing from the boat. I am sure you know that didn't last long when nothing took his bait. It takes a lots of patience or knowledge to be a good fisherman, neither of which Joe has.

Back on land; I can't help myself to take pictures when the water is so blue.

The light and dark blue line in the water is where the water drops to much deeper depths.

We have been told, the weather this September was much nicer than most. I will have to agree. Last September was much rainier and cooler.

Goodbye September, it was so lovely at Lake Charlevoix!

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