Friday, March 18, 2016

Slappy, Kid's Church, Snow Tubing, & The Turquoise

                                                   February/ March 2016

Our Lennox with his new Slappy, a ventriloquist doll, from the Goosebumps books and movies. Every year Lennox is fixed on something new. Last year it was Ghost Busters and Angry Birds. His Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Daryl came to visit and they finally gave in to buying him this doll. He tends to be none stop talking about what he likes and wants and if you are living with him, it can get old very fast.
I started the kids at Kid's Church on Wednesday nights at our church, Christian Life Church in Orange Beach. (Lennox and Noah sharing a chair and computer and Maddie by herself at the end).
They have a monitor outside the class to watch them if you like.
Before class and before most of the kids had arrived, I took a picture of Lennox in one of the classes.
They have Worship in this classroom for part of their service.
I stepped inside the kid's worship service room before it started. It is set up in a cool way to engage the kids.
Maddie is into fake glasses. I remember when Alisha was young and kept asking for glasses. I don't think they made fake kid's glasses back then, so she never got any. We always have to stop at the bathroom with Maddie before we head home in the car.
We got another beautiful day for a beach walk. Mallery didn't do as well as before. She kept wanting to go the opposite direction we were going, so she got carried more on this walk.

We saw a man and his son working on a sand project as we walked up the beach. On the way back we saw the finished project.
Alisha, Jamie and the kids took a trip to Gatlinburg, TN. for a weekend trip. Here the kids are enjoying the aquarium.
While they were gone, I told Alisha I would take care of Robin her cat and Maggie May, her dog. Unfortunately when I came to her house to feed them, Robin was no where to be found. After scouting the house, we realized he must have slipped out the door either that morning or night before when Hayleah and her friends were spending the night. (Before Hayleah headed back to collage). At 10 pm that night, I talked Joe into going back to the house and I stood outside calling for Robin. After a while I heard a faint meow off in the distance. I kept calling and soon he was running to the door. He was a hungry kitty!
Alisha sent me these pictures of  her and the family getting ready to go snow tubing. After going down one hill with her dad, Maddie had enough of snow tubing. Sounds like her mom when we took Alisha snow skiing. Though she was much older, one hill, and she was done.
Noah loved it though, making the trip well worth it. Because their trip was the end of February, the snow was made at the resort and the real stuff had melted every where else.
The last week of February, Joe, Mallery and I made a trip to Mobile, AL to meet my GYN/OB surgeon. Surgery went well and I will blog more about it in the next blog.
Our kitchen/dining room continues to progress in the remodel mode. There are two new windows that never exist on the wall next to the slider. (A suggestion made by a designer we hired once mainly for paint color choices).
It was time for Joe, Mallery and I to start the hunt for a place to stay next winter. This cottage is right on the Gulf, but it was 18 miles out on Fort Morgan Road which is a peninsula.We looked at 3 places in the same area, but it was just too far to have to drive every time we wanted to go to the store, the girls, church, or to Dr's appointments. In the end we decided to book the same place we are at for next year, but for 3 instead of 4 months. It seemed that booking needs to be way earlier as there was little to look at this year.
 Alisha had booked a night at the Turquoise Condo's on March 4, for a surprise Birthday for her husband.
Alisha got this condo for a trade for doing a photo shoots job. She just needed to pay for the cleaning charges.
It was on 5th floor and had a hot tub on the deck.
It was a real surprise for Jamie's 40th Birthday party.

I got a picture of the kids before they took their clothes off and got in the hot tub.
Alisha showed us around the condo. I asked her to poised for a picture. She has always been my ham!
A beautiful model in a beautiful bathroom. Live it up girl, you turn 40 next year!
Noah and Maddie enjoying the hot tub with their other Nana watching over them.
Joe and I took a walk to see the rest of the property grounds and facilities. Here is one of the outdoor pools for when it is warm enough to swim in, which should be real soon now.
A bridge connecting the 2 buildings of the Turquoise over the pool.
The Turquoise has 23 floors, which I think might be the tallest condo's in the Gulf Shores/Orange Beach area.

On I believe was the 4th floor of  one of the buildings is a Lazy River Pool. You will also find a work out gym, tennis court, playground and open outdoor bar along the outside pools on the property.
The Turquoise Condo is one of the newest luxury condo's in this area.
Both buildings have indoor pools as well.
Rumor has it, that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have rented the top floor condo before.
We enjoyed the evening with pizza, cake and ice cream with Jamie and his family. Happy 40th to you Jamie!

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