Saturday, September 10, 2016

Mallery's Senior Years

                                                                 February 2014
We left Gulf Shores, AL. and made our first stop east, at Big Lagoon State Park, Pensacola, Fl. (2/2014)
Next we stopped at Destin, FL. (2/2014)
Mallery enjoyed more beaches than most people ever get to!
I bought this picture in Seaside, FL. I haven't got it up yet, but it will always remind me of Mallery. (2/2014)
We had lots of rain in Greensboro, GA. We needed both coats, as one is too short, and the other doesn't have a hood. (3/2014)
Mallery in her traveling seat.
Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina- elevation- 3892 (4/2014)
 Eating at a restaurant, with Mallery in her stroller at table side. (My Fathers Pizza in Black Mountain, North Carolina 4/2014)

Mallery always loved to get back to the north and its soft green grass.
Blowing Rock, North Carolina (4/2014).
Brinegar Mountain Cabin on Blue Ridge Parkway in Northern N.C. (5/2014)
Mallery turns 13. This was a big deal for me. 13 being my favorite number and I prayed she make 13. (Mount Airy, North Carolina 5/2014).
The night before we left Mayberry Campground we walked Mallery around the park and she had to indulge one last time in the lush green grass. When she got done her hair was a mess,
and she had all kinds of seed pod strings all over her hair, besides some grass. Oh well I never let my kids play in the mud, but my dog, I let her be a dog!
After a day of house hunting, we went back to our Nest, and sat out on our patio. In all our travels, Mallery had never enjoyed being outside with us. She always wanted to go inside. This was so unusual to see her relaxing and enjoying the outside. ( Magnus Park, Petoskey, MI 6/2014)
Mallery was pacing the Nest, hiding under the table, and had her radar ears up. Mallery's weather alert: A storm is coming.
After the storm had past, we went back outdoors to enjoy the sunset. (Magnus Park, Petoskey, MI. 6/2014)

We had been battling digestive problems with Mallery for about a month. I had made many meals of beef and rice, and froze ice cube trays of it, to keep it fresh. (She's a very little eater). She would get better for a week and then her problems would resume. Then I made turkey and rice and froze it in ice cube tray servings, thinking the beef was too greasy. She would get better then after a week she would digress. After 4  to 5 times of this episodic dilemma, I finally gave in and took her to the vet. We left the vet with a $180 bill and 12 can's of special wet dog food and antibiotics. The vet took an x-ray to see if she had some kind of mass. Luckily no mass, and they just confirm the collapsed trachea I told them she had. Because she never eats wet dog food, she would just look at it and bark. (Mallery didn't like change- you know she is 68 years old and old dogs like old people hate change). I finally had to roll the wet dog food in balls and hand feed her. After a few bites, she got her courage to eat the balls out of her bowl.
We make an offer on a house and during inspection day Mallery approved the yard.
We got new bikes and enjoy the bike trail outside our front door.-Mallery included. (Magnus Park, Petoskey, MI. 7/2014).
Mallery left a paw print on my leg while begging for food. I wish I had traced it and had a tattoo of it.

Mallery was never crazy about her sun glasses when we went bike riding.
She always managed to shake and get them on top of her head instead. (Magnus Park, Petoskey, MI. 8/2014).
"See mom, I look much cooler this way"!

Time to leave Magnus Park and settle into a new lake home "Nest"
Mallery had a rough summer. She seemed to get very winded during very short walks, and she was eating fine but becoming very bony. Her back bone was all of a sudden very prominent near the end of August. We had to take her to a vet because she developed diarrhea. The veterinary took x-rays to check her stomach to make sure there was nothing going on. She said she thought Mallery had a tumor in or pushing up against her collapsing trachea. She wanted us to take her to a specialist at MSU in Lansing, MI. We made an appointment for mid October. (Magnus Park, Petoskey, MI. 8/2014)


  1. Hi Diane, When Mallery was in her Traveling seat it looks like she was up high enough to see out the windshield. My favorite picture is Mallery on the grass at the her new home. I wanted so badly for her to live long enough to have a grassy yard of her own. It is wonderful and heart wrenching at the same time to see these pictures. However it is a beautiful tribute to Mallery and the life you three had together. Bless You. Leslie p.s. My Grandmothers favorite number was 13 too! +_+

  2. Hi Leslie, yes Mallery could see out the window which she enjoyed. I wish she could have had more years back in her own yard, but I guess I am grateful she had 1 1/2 good years. Most people think the number 13 is evil, but I believe otherwise. Jesus had 12 apostles, making Jesus number 13 when together. The number 13 is very significant through out the Bible. I feel God made me aware of this years prior to our travels, thus it became my favorite number. Hope you had a great summer and all is well with you and your family and Raven. How old is Raven?

  3. Hi Diane, Raven is 9 years old and so far has no physical health issues. She does however have anxiety and HATES being groomed. She will bite! She has been banned from every Groomer in town except one. They have one person that works there that can handle Raven(While wearing a muzzle) but shes been out on Maternity leave for a long time. Neither me or my hubby can groom her. My hubby can however give her a bath. She is looking shaggy, I wish I could brush her and cut her hair. We always Groomed our previous Dogs ourselves. George(hubby) had 2 Heart attacks in Feb. He had 3 stints put in and everything has been good since. After we sold our RV we don't do a lot of traveling unless it is for a family thing etc. We spend our summers camping, ocean/lake fishing and growing a organic veggie garden. We also both volunteer at our local senior center.We have been married 36 years. We have 1 son,4 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. I know you only asked 1 question but I figure after reading about your family for years I would tell you a little about mine LOL. Take care Leslie +_+

    1. Hi Leslie, Thank you for letting me know more about you and your family. It is really nice to know you better. You won't be the mystery women any more-LOL. So glad your husband got through his heart attack alive. So many people don't. We are definitely at the age that these things happen. My Mallery had a lot of anxiety also. I started grooming Mallery years ago because I didn't like what groomers were doing- a couple butched jobs.Mallery would only tolerate grooming for a very short period, so it was kind of a on going process. Sounds like you do things we like. Joe wants to fish, but haven't had the time or a good fishing boat.Id like to do some organic gardening, but again no time for that yet.
