Thursday, April 27, 2017

Christmas 2016

                                                            December 21, 2016

The views out our patio changed daily making our stay on the Gulf so enjoyable!
Just had to capture this picture of a southern car. Sorry for those who disagree and there you go, for those who do!
December in Gulf Shores, AL was awesome this year.
Clouds and clouds, and more beautiful clouds!
And of course it was that time of year to make Christmas cookies with the grand kids at my daughter Alisha's home.
The next day my oldest grand daughter Hayleah and I made pies.
I tried out a new crust recipe using butter instead of Crisco (my mom always used Crisco and she makes the best crust, but Crisco is considered a very processed and toxic fat). Why is it the bad foods always taste better! I will keep trying new recipes until I find a healthy and yummy crust.
Christmas Eve: My Oldest daughter Alisha and her oldest daughter Hayleah who turned 20 this Christmas Eve.

My youngest daughter Tiffany who is always sending be text with apps added to her pictures.

Christmas Eve wouldn't be the same without Christmas Eve service, though it can get long for the young ones.

Tiffany, Blake, and Lennox on Christmas Eve after church.

Alisha, Hayleah, Jamie, Maddie, & Noah after church.

Our 4 grand kids and growing up fast!

Beautiful Bella (Tiffany's cat who is now 15 years old).

Maggie May, Alisha's white Husky, had to be put to sleep last year, and it didn't take long before Alisha rescued Harley. A week later she rescued,

As long as I am showing the fur babies in our family, I can't forget Robin (with beautiful Hayleah) who is also in Alisha's home.

Christmas Day on the beach with Tiff and Lennox.

Me and Lennox (8 years old)
Merry Christmas 2016 with our white snow!

There was always something to watch out on our patio as show in the video below:

                This day we got a feeding frenzy and a 2 for 1 extra with       the Blue Angels in the  next video. ( You will need to enlarge the picture to see it. Just click in the bottom right corner of the video).

Before sunset!

A walk on the beach on last few days of 2016.

We usually walked about 1.5 to 2 miles down the beach and back. This spot of the beach always had kites up.
The great weather during Christmas and the New Year brought out a lots of people enjoying the beach.

Mr. Great Blue Heron got  passed a fish from a nearby fisherman.
In one gulp its gone!

The beach shore changes daily with the tides. One day there is a sand ledge like Lennox is sitting on, the next day it can be gone.

Temperatures reach almost 80 this day.

And before sunset a group of young people were swimming. Not a good idea- sunset is the time shark come along the shore for dinner.
Mid morning as sun was rising.
Gulf Shores gets a lot of storms that go north of them. We would get the edge of these storms, but 9 out of 10 times it would miss us on the beach and hit the next town north Foley.
Close up of the sunset.
                                                                   December 30, 2016
Sorry can't help myself with such beautiful sunset paintings every evening.
                                                              December 31, 2016
The kids and grand kids enjoyed the hot tub all winter long. Well that wraps of the year of 2016! See ya in the new year.

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