Tuesday, April 4, 2017

First Days As Snowbirds In Gulf Shores, AL.

                                                  December 1 - 10, 2016

December 2 was a great day to be on the beach.
On our deck/patio, the temps were recorded as 109 by late afternoon.

Even though the temps were only 63 out. Our patio has cement walls on both sides, as well as a cement floor and roof above. So our patio becomes a little oven. This was a great sign to me, that as long as there was sun, we could get pretty cold and still sun on the deck all winter.
That evening Maddie was in the Christmas Parade with her Daisy (Brownie) troop. Alisha asked if I would walk in it with her as the troop needed one more adult per child.

The decision for the girls to be in the parade was a last minute after though, so we were the next to last entry. (Maddie in the pink and purple jacket and Noah, in orange sweatshirt and Santa hat. Noah decided to ride along with the girls. Not sure if it was for the girls or the candy, but I kind of think candy).
We threw candy and along the way I saw Tiffany and Lennox, so I had to special hand him some treats.
Because the kids are young, they were throwing out the candy in large hand fulls and ran out of it, 1/2 way through the parade. Not fun anymore, when kids and parents are wavy at you to throw them candy, and you are empty handed!
OMG, a snake in my hallway. It must have been one of my grand kids who got a hold of my phone and invited it into our condo. Oh I see it was Lennox, with the give away of his name in the corner of the picture. Sure glad it is purple and invisible to me!
Time for a walk on the beach since family stopped by and it was a great day for a walk.
Found a really small sand dollar.

Tiff and Lennox were Joe and my walking partners this day.

At 6:06 the sun was getting low in the sky in the west.
Me and my youngest Tiffany.
On the 4th we had a storm roll through. I though that might be a tornado hook that was going to start to developed, because the wind came in fast and furious. But it left as fast as it came and moved northeast.
On one of our evening walks, I took this picture of a Great Blue Herons. They are so use to people, they just hang out as you walk by.
Joe and I tried to walk at least 3 times a week during our 3 month stay.

Here is a view of the Seacrest Condo we rented this year. We are on the 3rd floor, 2nd in from the right, as you face the condo. No the condo isn't sinking in the sand, just a crooked photographer.
Another evening walk with lots of clouds.
Looking to the southwest.
Lighter view more to the southeast.
One of the negatives about our condo, is the building to the west blocks our sunsets.

We had to go to the beach for full sunsets.

But because I had been a early riser this winter, I saw many sun rises. Of course sleeping husband has no problems sleeping, so he missed them all!
The next day, we had more visitors. The girls and kids, seems to like to come to see us much more, now that we were on the beach.

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