Friday, June 2, 2017

Wrapping up February 2017

                                                  February 22, 2017

Another walk on the beach, and when we turned around we saw this. But didn't get a drop of rain on us, and the clouds lighten up and moved on!
Here is another picture that I lighten up by editing it! The first one was the original.

On this day, we drove Alisha and Jamie, to Mobile to jump onto a cruise ship. They never had a chance for a honeymoon, so this was their first get away from the kiddo's and time alone after 4 years of marriage.

 Carnival Cruise Line had just come back to Mobil, AL. It left Mobil for a while, but is back again. After dropping off Alisha and Jamie, we drove home with the kids. Noah cried all the way home. He had never had both his mom and dad leave for a week and he kept saying he missed his mom.

That evening after dinner, I took the kids out for an evening beach walk. They love going out on the beach at night. We did this another time and they were begging me to take them again.

Looked like more and more of the condo's were being filled the closer we got to March.
We had brought a bucket and a net to catch crabs. As we walked the waters edge, there were 100's of little crabs running to the water or digging back into the sand. The kids would squeal with fear and joy seeing them. Of course we caught and released the crabs, because they are too small to eat and I don't think they are the kind you eat anyway.

The next day we took them to Fat Daddy's Arcade.

I bought $10 of coins for each of them and they got to pick and chose what they wanted to play. At each game they would win tickets depending how well they played. With the tickets they got to chose prizes. All those tickets bought very little. In order to get anything, you would have to come many times and save your tickets or spend a ton of money that day!.
The next morning we took the kids out for breakfast and then headed for Robertsdale. We were meeting Jamie's mom to hand off  the kids. We were a head of schedule, so we stopped at Foley central park and let the kids run off their sugar high form the pancake breakfast. The train is permanent fixture for kids to play on.
Noah in the caboose with the conductor.
Maddie riding the caboose with Noah as the engineer.  
After meeting up with Nana Cathy, we headed home to start packing up for our trip back north.
We spent the whole next day packing up our SUV, and then  headed to Bill's for dinner.

Alisha and Jamie bought us a gift certificate for Bill's for Christmas. We saved it just for this night. With all our food either packed or ate, the certificate was a real welcome night out. Being exhausted from the day packing, it made the evening not so long, allowing us to get to bed a little earlier for the next day last minute packing and out the door.

I had fish, and
and Joe had steak. Joe had a coupon, stretching the gift certificate a bit further.
Since my meal was a bit less expensive, I got desert. I ate the ice cream and saved the cake for a snack for the next day road trip.

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