Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Last Of October, Another Family Pet Passes, Halloween, & Etc.

                                      October 24, 2017

This is Bella, age 14, my youngest daughter's cat. This picture was of her a few days before Tiffany put her to sleep. Bella had bladder cancer. Bella had surgery to remove the cancer, and then Tiffany put her on supplements, which helped for a while, but it came back.
 October 26
Lennox saying goodbye to her before going to school. Bella had been in his world since he was born. With no bothers or sisters, Bella was his best friend.
Tiffany was 22 years old when she got Bella. Hayleah her niece was 6 almost 7 when Bella was a baby kitten.
A few months before I had to put Mallery to sleep (Aug 29, 2016), I flew to Gulf Shores, with Mallery, to help Tiffany out after her knee surgery. Bella hated Mallery, and Mallery hated Bella all their lives. With Mallery being completely blind and in Bella's territory, Mallery seemed to be OK with Bella. Bella being old, put up with Mallery. Mallery didn't bark and chase her any more. My oldest daughter Alisha put her husky Maggie May to sleep on May 11, 2016. Maggie was 14 years old and had been with Alisha since she was 22 also. It has been a sad last two years for us with our beloved pets.
October 26, 2017 - Calm waters on Lake Charlevoix.

We had to take our boat to a marina on Advance Road going toward East Jordon to be winterized. The fall color was pretty on the drive.
We dropped off the boat after 5 for an appointment the next morning. This is a good picture showing how shallow our boat is, and why it isn't a good boat on a lake that goes from calm waters to big waves in 10 minutes.
The next day we had to go to Petoskey to go shopping, so we didn't get back in time to get our boat before 5. The marina gave us the gate code so we could pick it up after hours. It was spitting sleet and rain.
I was sent pictures of my mom at her apartment community dressed up for the residence grand kids trick and treaters with another residences. We never get trick or treaters on our lake shore home. I am glad mom gets to enjoy the fun.
She enjoys the arts and crafts class too. She said her pumpkin was so ugly it was kind of cute.

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