Sunday, June 14, 2009

Biloxi, Mississippi

OK, I know I have got some of you confused with where we are! We are still in the Northwoods of WI at The Harbor Campground in Three Lakes WI. In April and May we were moving pretty fast and staying in places with no or weak internet connections. Plus I was having computer problems. So all and all I didn't get my blogging done. So now that we are staying in one place for the month, ( which helps us stay within our budget) I have more time to get caught up. I have a good connection, even thought we were told we wouldn't have one, and would have to drive at least 7 miles to find one. Oh that reminds me, the other day, Joe was talking to the owner of the place and had mentioned that I had been on the internet a lot. The owner couldn't believe we could get the internet. He said nobody has been able to get a connection around here. He's been wanting to have a tower put up on his land so internet connections could be reach, but because there is a small airport next door, it's not allowed for fear of interference. What can I say. I speak blessings over us all the time. I say," we are blessed and our God provides all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." And we are blessed! Sometimes, I just think, it really works! Just kidding, I know it works, because our Father does not lie. OK, I'll get back to what I was talking about. We are in WI, and I am going to tell you about our April adventures!

April 22- 23,09

Our 1st stop after our week with the girls and our nanababies, was at the Martin Lake Resort in Biloxi, Mississippi. The place was nice, with full hookups, cable and cement pads. By the time we got there, got set up, and walked around the park, it was time for dinner.

Nice pool we never used
Nice lake with small beaches we never used

Several carved out private beaches

Cute little cabins if you don't own an RV

Miniature golf
And 5 duck that stick together and live in the park

All for $17 a night with a Passport membership, which we have and it has paid for itself in 2 months after we bought it. The next day we drove around Biloxi and saw a lot of Katrina damage, and a lot of new Casino's. If gambling is your thing, it seems more are coming in. Not much else to see and I was not impressed with the water or the sand. The water looked dirtier and the sand more brown. Maybe this has been caused by Katrina. I know there was still a lot of debris still floating in the water. The only thing I could say was a negative for this park, was there were many permanent RV that brought down the neighborhood. Not bad enough where I would not come back, but I would defiantly lock my doors when gone.

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