Monday, June 8, 2009

Narvarre Fl & Gulf Shores, Al

It has been rainy and chilly the past few days, and as my RV/ Blogger friend dAwN said, I've really enjoyed it. It has given me a chance to just chill, and get some stuff done inside, like bills, balance check book, order Melaleuca, medicines and blog! So here am I trying to get caught up. I left off at Destin, Fl's Wal-Mart.

April 14, 09
After we left Wal-Mart in Destin Fl., we drove to Narvarre Beach Campground. I had heard Narvarre was really nice, so I talked Joe into staying there for one night. We both agree we paid to much, $45 a night for the park. It was a nice park, but we never use the facilities, to make it worth it. It had a nice dock on the bay, which Joe and I tried to fish off of. I think we were just feeding the crabs below, because when we pulled in our lines, our bait was gone. We were told by other RV'ers who stay at the park, that there were many blue crabs in the water. On the dock, we also met 2 guys from Germany. They were traveling the USA with their wifes for 3 weeks. They traveled last year also in the USA, for 3 weeks, and plan on doing the same next year. Only one guy could talk clear English. The other tried, but with great difficulty. They said, they thought all Americans were so friendly, unlike the French. Narvarre was nice, but Destin is still my 1st pick for this area.

April 15 - 21
Next we spent a week at Gulf Breeze Resort in Gulf Shores, Al. This is the same park we stayed at for a month, Christmas of 08. Alisha and Tiffany, our daughters, live in Gulf Shores. I was anxious to see them and the nana babies again. While we were there, Joe and I walked on the beach everyday, starting where we had left off last December, and reached the end of the Island before we left town. One day Tiffany and Lennox came on the walk. Joe, Tiffany and I took turns carrying Lennox. With Lennox weighing about 20lbs, I didn't last long, so Joe and Tiffany did most of the carrying. I got to see Noah walking at 9 months and Lennox at 6 months do his bunny hop inch worm crawl, and what I call his snow angel move. ( He lays on the ground and puts his arms above his head and then sways his upper body back and forth). As a partial Nana, I'd enjoy anything he did.

Noah , on the run

Lennox starting to crawl Oh, how I enjoyed holding the boys
Papa watch me clap Aren't I cute! Nana thinks so Can I play with this Nana?

We went out one night for a fun dinner, of authentic Mexican food.

Tiffany and Lennox at restaurant - (Sorry Blake you had to work)
I want a taco too!

Ok, but no animal crackers then!

So glad Andrea, joined us for dinner(Alisha & Tiffany's friend from Iowa, living in Gulf Shores)!

Can I go Rving with Nana & Papa? Hayleah flew home after visiting her daddy Joe and Kerri, in St. Paul Minnesota, for Spring Break on Sat. With school during the day, and drama classes after school, we only got to spend all day Sunday, and a few evenings with her. I asked her to take some good pictures of herself. She's a good photographer like her mom. So here they are.

Hayleah Grace my sweet adorable first nana baby My little drama queen If you have a strong signal, this is an attempted to video Lennox doing the snow angel. He didn't seem to want to perform with the camera on him. You can kind of get an idea. It was much cuter when he did it on his own. He did it all the time. Not sure why,but probably likes the way it makes his head feel - Dizzy

I love RVing but I sure miss seeing my nana babies grow up!

1 comment:

  1. Howdee Diane,
    That was a fun visit with your family..
    i can see why you would not want to leave all those precious babys!
    happy trails..
