Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bear Lake in the Rocky's


Last nights sunset. You can see the mountain between the two hills, but I can not figure out what the blue above the mountain is. I took several pictures and they were all the same. I think they are clouds colored by the sunset.


The town of Estes Park, Co. down in the valley.

We were headed to do another drive, but the sky opened up and was pelting us with hail. We pulled over and sat under a tree. In five minutes it was over.

Back on our merry way.

On our way to Bear Lake.

Bear Lake.

Joe said he could live on this lake. But I don't think it is for sale or we could afford it.

It had a beautiful trail around the lake with benches all around it.

One fourth the way around it we came upon this ranger telling a group of people different interesting things. We stopped and listened. The pine tree behind her is 400 years old. I learned how you can tell the difference between a spruce and a fir by the shape of the needles. When you looked at the trees they looked the same. Joe was having a difficult time with this slow pace. He likes to go, go, go. See as much as he can in a day. I like to go slow and see and enjoy everything around me. I always feel Joe tugging on me to catch up. He is always waiting on me. How did two so different people come together. I guess to balance each other out.

Lake Nymph

After the easy flat short walk around the lake, we decided to take a hike to Nymph Lake. It was .5 miles with a elevation gain of 225 and considered fairly easy. It was a cool day at about 68 degrees. I had to stop every 5 to 8 minutes to catch my breath. Like always Joe was having no problems with the walk.
On the way down Joe spotted these trees with initial carvings all over.

The trees seemed not to be effected and were healthy and strong. We wanted to go on to Lake Dream and Lake Emerald, but it looked like rain, and it was getting late and it was another 400 elevation gain and another 1.3 miles. It was considered a moderate hike, so we decided maybe tomorrow, when we have more time so I can have more time for breaks.

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