Monday, August 24, 2009

Jellystone Campground & TrailRidge Road


Our new backyard for a few days.

We live at Boo Boo Blvd.

Lot 77

At 7,787 ft.

On our way to Estes Park down town area.

Can anyone guess why Joe has his hand over his heart?

While Joe is trying to make a call, I made friends with the chipmunks with my left over peanut from the prairie dogs. This one in my lap at one point came back and tried to open my brown paper sack that was in my lap to get more peanuts.

Sunset from our patio.

Twenty minutes later.


Heading for the Trail Ridge Road, which is the highest continuous paved highway in the US.

This one is for you Dawn and Renee. What is the name of this bird?

See the roads below we have traveled.

We had our sack lunch at 10,000ft.

Taking a break from the hand gripping drive up.

This is the trail that the Ute and other American Indian tribes took. Me Indian too & cold too.
We are up with the snow.

Almost to the top.

At the top, which is the tundra

A tiny little caterpillar at the top of this grandeur place. We all have a place no matter how small.

I think this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

At 12,149 ft.

A stone mushroom at the top.

Flowers among the grasses and stones on the tundra.

The colors are amazing.

Path to the top. It was very cold walking up to the top. I met a 80 year old lady 1/2 way up. We were both out of breath and taking a break. She told me her husband who was 59 had gone way ahead of her. Kind of like my husband always does. I said to her, "Aren't you the lucky one!"

Just beautiful.

View of the tundra and mountains off in the distance, with a beautiful lake all at 12,000 ft.

If you have never been here, you must come, especially when you are older and can appreciate God Glory!

I love the speckled colored rocks.

No words or picture can describe or show the awesome of his Majesty!

Flowers and snow capped mountains.

Snow capped mountains and dark green evergreens

I love the evergreen lined road, I feel so much safer!

Heading to the Continental Divide.

Heading back up to go home. I called our Angel to come forth, and claimed protection and favor around us. I knew what we had to go through to get back home.

Road to Heaven!

Driving into the clouds. I had to remind my self to breath. So breath taking scarry.

The roads just drop off. I took so many pictures to keep my mind busy to help my fear of hieghts. I can't believe Joe is driving this. I believe God has numbed his fears so we could see his Glory!

This doesn't look like much, but on both sides of the road were straight drop offs.

A ways to go still to get back down.

We stopped at one of the viewing stops, and this bird was just hanging out.

He let me walk about 3 feet from him.

So cute. Dawn what kind of bird is he?

Look at that mass of evergreens.

Thank God the evergreens lined roads are back!

Bambi at the bottom.


  1. Wow u guys have been busy..nice photos!
    and that is a Clarks nutcracker..very cool bird and friendly too!

  2. the first bird is also the same kind.
