Thursday, August 27, 2009

Colorado Springs


I didn't sleep well last night. Before I went to bed last night, my mid back started aching. The effects of the hike to Emerald Lake, was starting to be felt. Every time I tried to turn from back to side to stomach, I'd wake from the back pain. Joe took Mallery out this morning, and said it was a good thing we were leaving. He said A bear came into camp last night.

Garbage was thrown all over the place out side the trash containers. He was told that a bear had got on top of the lid and jumped up and down on it til he could get to the trash.
Lid of trash container pushed in.

Winter is coming, and the wildlife are all in a scurry to get ready for it's coming. ( That's what the forest ranger said the other day, when were we at Bear lake. She said, they have been seeing all the wildlife out and about and very busy.)

We enjoyed our stay here, but it's time to hit the road. I was of little use in helping to get ready to go. Joe got things ready and we headed down the mountain. When we came up the mountain to Estes Park, it wasn't to bad, but going down was a bit scary. Once you get this big bus and car rolling down a hills, it's not easy to slow down. I had to tell Joe several times to please slow down. I didn't take one picture, because I had to keep an eye on him. I told him he didn't have enough experience yet to drive that fast down the mountain. He forgot how much of an elevation loss we had going down. We were dropping 2500 feet in about 20-30 minutes. The road was very curvy and steep.

Near the bottom, so I finally relaxed a took a picture.
We drove on a two lane through Boulder and along the Rocky's on the east of us. We saw many bicyclist on this road between Boulder and Denver suburbs. We drove east of Denver.

This mountain is interesting. The top is all rock, squared off.
Another interesting mountain. Flat top.

Once south of Denver we hopped on the interstate and headed south.
Entering into Colorado Springs.

Found our park and called it a day. Temperatures in the low 80's and sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee..did you use your passenger side brakes? i remember doing the road up to silverton and up north..Yikes..I used my passenger breaks allot.SCARY.
    Bears are scary too..We see them when hiking sometimes...just hope they stay far away!
