Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wild Life Loop & Needles Drive

Today we are going to Custer State Park and drive the wildlife loop. Oh, by the way, Joe doesn't seem to like the captions I've been putting above the pictures. He seems to think they belong below the pictures. So I am going to try that and see how it looks.
A look out spot on the way

Look what's up ahead. Buffalo crossing the road in front of all these cars.
Zooming in. I get lousy pictures through the car window and into the sun.

This one walked right next to our car. If you look close, you can see the buffalo's eye lashes.

A colorful canyon wall on our drive.

We came upon burro's. This one walked up to the car and put it's face into my window. I'm sure he is looking for food. The brochure's say no feeding the wildlife, but I can see people don't listen to the rules.

Rolling in the dust, I think to get rid of flies.
Pronghorn antelope. There were more wildlife in the park, but someone likes to sleep in, so by the time we drove through it was hot. The other wildlife were probably taking their afternoon naps. My suggestion is to go in the morning if you want to see more wildlife.

Legion Lake in Custer State Park.

A good place for a picnic. After lunch we are going to take the Needles Highway Scenic Drive.

We saw these piles through out the Black Hills. Found out that trees have been dieing because of some beetles getting under the bark and killing the trees. They cut down the trees, and put them in these piles. Come winter they will burn them.

Needle looking mountains. You can see some of the diseased trees to the far right.

Up close and personal to the needles.

Beautiful view.

Do you see Joe?

Sharp turns with drop offs. Joe's hands are sweating.

Need I say anything!

Look someone needs a ride. But, but who's driving the car!

No RV's or trucks allowed.

Looking in from the other side.

The eye of the needle.

oh no, a boulder in rolling down the hill. I so glad I have a strong man who saved me. !

Sylvan Lake in Custer State Park.

Enjoying the cool mountain water on a hot day.

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