Monday, August 17, 2009

Iron Mountain Drive


We are still at the Broken Arrow Campground in Custer, South Dakota. We needed to stay somewhere long enough, so I could send my computer back to Dell, to get some work done on it. Today we decided to take the Iron Mountain Scenic Drive.There about 6 different scenic drives around the Black Hills area.

When we first started our drive, we came upon more tatanka's (Indian word for buffalo's)

As we watched the tatanka's, we saw a lady get out of her car and walked up to the tatanka, ( about 15 feet away). Joe started to say, "what is that lady doing? She needs to get back. " Just as he said that the tatanka that she was approaching, turned and charged at her. She turned and ran, and the tatanka turn around and went the other way. The brochure's tell people that the tatanka's are wild and dangerous, and not to approach them. This is a shot of a tatanka I took while on a bridge.

Next we came upon some more burro's

A baby burro nursing.

This baby burro was so cute. A bunch of people were out of their car feeding them apples and petting them. I just couldn't resist, and jumped out of the car and petted this baby burro and a couple others.

As we drove off this one asked if I had any food.

Another tunnel.

As we exited the tunnel we saw Mt. Rushmore.

Peak a boo - what do you expect, I'm a nana.

Another tunnel.

Half way through the tunnel you could look up and see the sky Another view of Mt. Rushmore.

Looking back at the tunnel.

Bridge built coming out of the tunnel.

Another tunnel.

A goat on the side of the road.

And her baby goat.

Isn't he cute.


  1. Good post........

    Beautiful Photos.......

    Thanks for sharing with us......
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  2. Thanks for sharing! Nice trip!
