Monday, September 28, 2009

Monument Valley


Joe woke up early this morning and realized he was up before the sun. So he got up and dressed and went outside for a sunrise. I woke up too, but rolled over and went back to sleep. Joe's sunrise picture. A few minutes later. We said goodbye to our new Holland friend's as they were headed to the Grand Canyon for two days. We decided to take a hike before breakfast and before it got hot. ( We are slowly learning). The trail head was just out front our Nest. Saw many little lizard run across our path. We went down this long sandy hill. ( You know what that means). We walked for about a 1/4 mile and, This dog came running up to us. The dog started to follow us. He climbed up this tree and stood on it for a minute. He got off before I could get a picture. We didn't see anyone around. We didn't know if he was wild or just having fun for the day. We make it to the monument that is way off in front of our Nest. Our path is to follow piles of stone. The trail is 2.1 miles. An interesting plant on the way. ( just need a break, so I find something to photograph). Close up. White and furry looking with little pink dots. Heading up the big sand hill, we came down when we started. The trails ends up being 3 miles. We see a sign that says 3 miles. Maybe we followed the wrong pile of rock path. The dog blazed the trail ahead of us the whole time. When she would get too far away from us, she would wait in the shade till we caught up. She would run sometimes along side us. But she would never come to us to let us pet her. We named her Susie. Joe is waiting for me as I catch my breath and take a picture. There is our Nest up the hill in the middle. After about 2 hours we make it back home. Joe said we would have finished sooner if I had not taken so many pictures. When we get back home we see Suzie laid under another RV with 2 other dogs. Joe got a bucket of water for Suzie and the other 2 dogs came running over and pushed Suzie to the side. After they had their fill, Joe got another bucket full for Suzie. I asked the RV owner if these were his dogs. He said they were here when he came, and they were here when some other RV was here before he came. He said he thought that they probably get fed more here than at home. We decided to call this one Fred. And this one Sam. I got Suzie, Fred, and Sam treats. Mallery got one too! This is the site where all the John Wayne movie's were shot.

After breakfast, we took a drive down and through a very rough, bumpy, dusty road to see all the monuments. If you wanted to pay $60 each you could go in a make shift jeep, made from a truck with benches built in the bed with a top to shade you from the sun, narrated by a Navajo. A bit pricey for us!

This is the site where all the John Wayne movie's were shot.

I was shopping at one of the Navajo Vendor stands close by when all of a sudden this horseman came riding to the point and got is horse to stand on his hind legs. Joe ran and got the camera, but missed that shot. He said everyone was running to get a picture also. Many more monuments and vendors at the more popular stops. The sun is setting as we make our way home. West and East Mitten Monuments. Joe, and Mallery at home enjoying the sunset. The monuments are much farther from us than they look from this picture. After feeding Fred and Sam ( Suzie had taken off) some of Mallery's food, we found out who was the head dog. Sam would not let Fred have any food. So Joe took the food and spread it all over the ground so Sam could not hog it all.I then kick back for the sunset also. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures Diane! Those poor pups...glad u fed them.
