Saturday, September 12, 2009

Road trip to Gallup, NM.


On the road again. It seems we've been doing this a lot lately. Moving fast so we can make our reservations in the Grand Canyon.
We left our campground and headed down the old Route 66 and made a pit stop at 66 Pit Stop. After the pit stop we hopped onto Interstate 40 and headed west. Do you see the winking face in the mountain. We came upon this area where there were these large piles of dark rocky ground along the highway. It was like this for several miles. Not sure if all of that rock was dumped there or it was there in nature. Just looked really weird. The landscape is changing again. No trees and more orange rock formations. We cross the Continental Divide again. Getting dark again. Ever since we arrived in the mountain regions, we seem to to get rain in the late afternoon. Here comes the rain again.East of Gallup, and heading to our campground. Red Rock Campground. Just 3 other R.V. in the campground. We drove into Gallup and went to Wal-Mart for groceries. While in the store I noticed that 98 percent of all the shoppers were American Indian. It was the first time I have ever been that I was clearly an minority. Something we should all experience. By evening about 5 more R.V. arrived for the night.

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