Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wal-Mart in Gallup, NM.


This morning after getting up and while Joe unhooked the R.V., I walked over to see if I could feed the prairie dogs that were all over our campground. I had some left over peanuts I had bought to feed the prairie dogs back in the Badlands. They were very anti- social and all ran into their holes and wouldn't even come out. I gave that up, and headed back to the R.V. On the way back, I noticed that it felt like stuff was stuck to my flip flops. I took them off and turned them over.
Now I understand why Mallery doesn't like to walk around here. Sand burrs!
Before we left the park, we decided to take a short walk on a trail. Mallery had to stay home, as I would have to carry her with all these burrs.

We didn't walk long as we needed to drive into town and get some gas in the R.V., then head to Wal- Mart in Gallup to get our spot for the night, then go shopping for jewelry.

Interesting how smooth the top of this mountain has been worn down and so smooth by the elements.
But trees still find a place to place their roots.

This one is for you Blake. A restaurant in your name in Gallup, NM.
Didn't get a chance to try any, but I am sure they are good with a name like that!
Still on Historic Route 66
Spaces filled up fast at Wal-Mart. We even had a security guard show every RV that arrived where to park for the night. What service! I guess this Wal-Mart is use to having lots of R.V. every night. A truck pulling a boat even pulled in later and was parked across from us. The people's boat had a bed and a small kitchen in the bow of the boat. There were about 11 to 13 R.V's parked there that night. After getting parked we went downtown and shopped the rest of the day. We ran into a couple , twice while shopping, that parked their R.V. in front of us.

Rain is coming.
Getting really dark out. As I did the dinner dishes, Joe stood outside and talked to fellow R.V. and boat owners. After the dishes, I went out and visited also with the couple who were parked in front of us. They gave us their card and told us to call them when we get to Arizona this winter. We have four couples to visit now this winter in Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed camping in our "back yard"! Next time you come thru let me know. :)
