Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Petrified Forest & The Painted Desert


We were the 3rd to the last R.V. to leave Gallup, NM's Wal-Mart this morning. Hey, what's the big hurry. I like to smell the roses and get my beauty sleep as I travel. Heading to Flagstaff, AZ today. Just a short drive to enter into Arizona.
First time for me in Arizona. Joe went one year to college in Tempe, AZ at Arizona State, then he transferred to the University of Iowa. After entering into AZ, we notice on the map and from road signs, that we were going right past the Petrified National Forest. We just bought an annual pass into all National Park's at Estes Park, CO., so we decided to stop on the way for a quick visit. The park consisted of a 28 mile drive into the Painted Dessert and then into the Petrified Forest and then back 28 miles. We unhooked the car before we started, so as not to use as much gas.
The Painted Desert. All I could say is, " Oh my, am I in Heaven"!
I told Joe, our God is so Amazing how he uses color to create so much beauty.
You can see for miles.
A sign says you can the San Francisco Peaks, 120 miles away.

It's like looking at a rainbow.

This and the Trail Ridge Drive in Estes Park, CO are the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I can't decide which comes first.
Now off to see another part of the park.

They had a spot in the park were there were ruins of the homes of the people who lived here years ago, and petroglyph also.
While looking at the petroglyphs, we saw this lizard. A fellow traveler told us he is called a collared lizard. See his black collar and all his beautiful color.
Joe had to stop for these little fellows. One was out in the road and they never moved. We had to go around the one in the road.
Now we go through another area that is called the Blue Mesa.
Joe is sitting on petrified wood with the Blue Mesa behind him.

These guys are huge. I think people must be feeding them.
Now you can see how big they are. I am sitting on the log they were standing by.
The Blue Mesa. You can see the blue better is this photo, but not like in real life.
The landscape changes drastically very quickly around here.
Still the Blue Mesa.

For all of you out there that think President Bush didn't do anything for our environment or for natural preservation, read this.
Now for the purple area.
Purple and pink.
This purple part of the park had a trail that took about 45 minutes to walk. Because we were short of time, and it was a hot sunny day, and because Mallery was already croaking with her trachea problems, we had to fore go the trail. ( picture of Joe and Mallery heading back up the hill after a 10 minute walk on the trail)View of the purple area and trail from above.
Doesn't God have a sense of art and humor, wanting to please our sense's. I know it sure did mine.
Here you can see purple, pink and orange.
The color in this place is just astounding!
Here you see green above the purple, with yellow in the fore ground.
We arrive at the Crystal Forest.
There use to be more petrified wood years ago, but most of it was removed, before this place became a National Park.
The colors in the petrified wood are the same as the colors in the environment.
This one is totally crystallized.

Lots of yellow is this petrified wood.
Very long petrified log
Heading out of the park. I had to make one more stop in this area.
Rain is coming! We need to get back to the R.V., and get the car hooked up to the R.V.
Had a late lunch and early dinner in the R.V., and now back on the road to Flagstaff.
San Francisco Peaks ahead.
Rain and a dust storm ahead.
Dust storm came and went.
Closer to San Francisco Peaks and Flagstaff.
Heading down the road into Flagstaff for Wal-Mart.
Peaks of San Francisco and Wal-Mart just ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Wow..Diane..those are awesome photos! We have never been there..I just told Jeff we need to go!
    You also took some really beautiful photos..very artistic..
    Hope to catch up with your other blog posts!
