Monday, September 21, 2009

Road Trip to Page, Arizona


We left our campground in Grand Canyon at noon today, and are, "On the Road Again". We are on the same road we were on a couple of days ago as we traveled to Desert View, Hwy64 east. We know what we are coming to. Spots in the road that come just a few feet from the Grand Canyon. (Pic out our front window). Shortly after we exited the national park, we saw our first Indian road side stand, and I got Joe to pull over. I found a cuff turquoise bracelet that I really liked for $80.00. I asked the Indian women if she would take less. She said if I paid cash I could have it for $60.00. I told Joe about it, and ask him to see if she would take less for it. So Joe walked over and I showed it to him. He asked her if she would take $50 for it and she abruptly said no. Joe, turned to me and said, " well it's up to you than". So I started to say I would buy it for $60. She then said she had given me a fair price, and because I had not taken it, I could not buy it for $60 anymore. If I wanted it I had to pay $80. I said in disbelief, "You mean you will not sell it to me for $60". And she said, "Yes, I gave you a good price, and you didn't take it". I guess that is where the phase comes from, "Don't be an Indian giver" I was sad, I wanted that cuff bracelet for my 55 birthday present. I learned a hard lesson today about Indians and their pride, and not to offend them. I didn't mean to offend her, she just did not understand how us white folks like to bargain, especially us LaFontaine's. Glad we are past the sheer drop offs and on flat wide open spaces, once again. I was just talking to mom on my cell phone in this spot and hit a dead zone. I see why, look what is ahead. Oh look at that open space ahead. We are on Navajo Reservation now. I didn't realize it, but the whole northeast corner of Arizona is Navajo land. Little Colorado River Gorge. We stopped at the Little Colorado River Gorge Navajo Tribal Park, because I spotted a large group of Navajo stands inside the park. I paid $2 for both of us to get in to see the gorge and than we walked around the vendors to see their hand made products. Another view of the river gorge. While at the park we had lunch, than headed down the road. Farther down the road we cross the Little Colorado River again, but the gorge is gone. We enter a desert and the views change drastically. Look at the blue and brown sand. Now we are on a wild horse ride road that Joe has to say, Whoa horses, because the bus starts to gallop down the bumping road. You can see waves of lumps on Hwy 89 for miles. Can you believe your eyes, blue sand. How and where did this blue sand come from? Just down the road sand is topped with dark taupe color sand. And now cream, yellow, and taupe. It changes now to grey, mint green, yellow, grey blue and rust. You can see all the colors real good if you double click on the picture. Grey blue, cream and brown. I guess we are in the painted desert again. We didn't know we would be blessed with such beauty again. Blue, cream, taupe, rust yellow green. Goes from blue to green to yellow to brown from bottom to top. And than you get the pink behind that in the mountain range. And don't forget the blue sky behind that. I love this adventure! You never know what's around the next corner. This next one is the best one! From bottom to top: Cream, grey, brown, rust , blue , and green and blue sky. Now we follow Echo Cliffs for miles. Notice how dark red the ground is. A rainbow of colors.

One more stop at a roadside stand to look at more Navajo made items.
Joe says there is one place on this journey he has been concerned about. And I think we are heading for it now. Up we climb. And up, and up, and up some more, and up,"Oh Joe look there are more Navajo vendors," I said. Joe replies,"I am not stopping this bus for anything, you can drive back tomorrow if you want." Wow, look at that! We have climbed 1500 in a matter of minutes. and through Antelope Pass Joe, has been leaning forward, from the bottom of pass, as though that is going to help our Nest to make it to the top. He straightens up now and rests back in his seat, and says we made it, with a smile on his face. Now back down again, but with no cliffs. Page, AZ and lake Powell ahead. Our new backyard ahead. Looks a lot like our backyard at Red Rock Campground in Gallup , New Mexico. After setting up in site 14, I check out our front window view a the Page-Lake Powell Campground. Very nice campground for $20 a night, but no cable or sewer for that price.We have to pay extra for those two options.

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