Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grand Canyon Part 4


Off to see the Desert View Drive east of the Grand Canyon Villages. The drive is 25 miles east of The Villages in the Grand Canyon. there are about 5 to 6 stops with great views. At one of the views, after looking out at the canyon, I looked down and saw writing all over the wall between me and the drop off. I like this one the Best! I can't remember which point this was, but I think Lipan Point at 7360 ft. As we drove to the next point, I noticed that the bottom of the clouds had a cast of pink reflected from the Grand Canyon. Doesn't show up like it did in real life. At Navajo Point you can see the Watchtower on the rim to the east. At Desert View we go into the Watchtower, which has been decorated in Navajo design and art. There are 3 levels of the tower. Hey you look up! From the watchtower you have a great view of the desert to the east. This view is such a pretty view for Joe and I- Flat and no cliffs to the east. The Grand canyon is Grand, but like I said before, it overwhelms the sense's. At least it does for us. The Watchtower at Desert View.


Today was a laid back day, of bills, paperwork and housework. Tomorrow we leave the Grand Canyon. We have enjoyed seeing this magnificence place, and after a week, we didn't see it all. One thing I really enjoyed was hearing the many different languages of all the visitors who came to visit this majestic place. Another fun thing was to watch the antics of the ravens as they soared above the rim.
At 4:00 we caught the shuttle to the El Tovar Hotel, one of the nicest places to eat in the Grand Canyon. We sat out on there covered porch and sat in two old time cane rockers, and watched the people walking and enjoying the views at the south rim. At one point I saw a group of Japanese standing around and pointing at the ground. I watched for awhile, but finally had to get up and see what they were looking at. I walked over and looked down where they were looking and pointing at and saw a little pocket gopher who would surface from a hole pushing dirt out in front of his nose. Someone came up behind me and said it was a gopher. I looked it up online and it was called a pocket gopher. I had never seen one, let alone busy digging out a tunnel underground. After watching the people we went into the hotel for dinner. As you can see this hotel has been around for awhile. Nice atmosphere in the restaurant. Happy Birthday Diane (celebrating 7 hours early as we are on the road tomorrow) Thank you honey for my 55 year old Birthday dinner. ( What's with the sun glasses in a dark restaurant? Answer- They are prescription glasses and I forget I am wearing them. Joe's answer- She likes to pretend she is a movie star, and keeps everyone wondering who she is!) Walking out the door of the hotel we see these Elk's grazing on the grass in front of the Hopi House. El Tovar Hotel- rooms range from $174 to $ 426 a night. Dinner is great, but I like my Best Nest better. We catch the shuttle to get back to our Nest. Goodnight all.

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