Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grand Canyon Part 3


We took the shuttle to the village area and walked around and checked out the shops and older buildings.
We were going to try to do a mile or so of Bright Angel trail that goes to the bottom of the canyon,
but after walking on it for a few minutes, we decided it was not for us and we were not having much fun.
A moth I saw on a wall.
I tried to enlarge it but missed some of it.

Nice sunset.


At visitor center, viewing a California Condor. Now about 300 around here. They were near extinction.
Joe and I decided to go up Hermits Rest again on the shuttle to stop at every lookout point. We took the shuttle up a couple of days ago, but because of the lateness of the day we only did 3 stops out of the 9. The shuttle wait at the bottom was a very long one, so Joe and I decided to walk to the first look out point. The walk was very steep and some places very close to the edge. We had a hard time and wondered why we had decided to do this. At the lookout point I got a good view of Bright Angel Trail, the mule and hiker path to the bottom of the canyon. Check out how flat the land is and then the sheer drop off. The path is the white line down the cliff.
Another view of mule /hiker path.

One more view. The path is about 2 to 3 feet wide. We were told only 2% of all visitor go on the below the rim, being only for a minute or two, (that is us) and only 1% go below the rim for more than 2 miles.
At this point you can see the south rim as well as the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
A squirrel enjoying the view. There also was a couple California Condor flying high above.
Standing on the edge. (with a railing)
Monument Point.
Joe and I packed some fruit, cheese, crackers and some wine, to watch a sunset at Pima Point. There were no clouds in the sky, so the sunset and pictures were not as good this time.
Sun going down,



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