Friday, September 18, 2009

Grand Canyon Part 2

Continue from last post.

The shuttles that take you from your campground to almost every place in the park are great.Cactus, wildflowers and the sheer cliff. Waiting for a shuttle at Hermits Rest.

At the top of Hermits Rest, while waiting for a shuttle, a afternoon shower burst forth. I hung out under this tree and took a few pictures.
Shower ends and Joe points out a rainbow.
A break in the clouds.
Rapids below. You have to look hard, but they are rapids.

Colorado River.

Close up of years of erosion.
I think this is a Western Bluebird and a Raven.
Neat R.V. in our campground.
After dinner we walked to the rim for a sunset.
The colors were awesome.
Goodnight from the Grand Canyon.

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