Saturday, October 24, 2009

2nd Day Trip to Sedona


A pretty pink cloud at sunset.
The sunset outlines the Mazatzal Mountains out our diner table.


Taking another day trip to Sedona.
Mountains surround the town of Sedona. A look out point at Airport Rd at the next vortex spot over looking Sedona. Joe and I still don't fill any energy from the vortex. We climb has high as we feel comfortable and get this view.As far up as we will go on the Airport Vortex. Note the trail across the way. We will be going over there next. Mallery is enjoying our trail walks again today. We start to walk on the trail across from the top of the Airport Vortex, and are now looking back at the vortex where we had climbed. You can see people on the vortex. We climbed almost to the top. Another view from the trail. The trail starts to have a bit of a drop off and Joe says he doesn't want to go any farther, so I pull Mallery back and we go back. That's my rock art that I made to see how balanced I am. Next we go to Bell Rock which is suppose to have the strongest energy. You are suppose to feel it in the parking lot. It says on the Internet that you don't have to walk or climb to feel the energy. As soon as you get out of the car you will feel it. We are in the parking lot and nothing. I guess we have to do the trail and some climbing , then maybe we will feel something.We got our walking sticks out for this climb. beautiful vista and fresh clean air. Sedona is about 1000 ft up from Cottonwood, so a little cooler, but still in the mid to high 70's On one of our breaks, Joe built his rock art. He says it shows his ambition. Joe says, "Don't tell me you want to climb up there." Can you see the people up on Bell Rock. One third of the way up. See how twisted the tree is. That is from the energy. I did have more energy to climb that I normally don't have. A vortex is energy like a tornado or water going down the drain. We climbed a little further till we hit a spot that Joe said he was done. I wanted to go up farther, but Joe said I would have to go on my own. Not much fun on my own, so we headed back down and back to Cottonwood.

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