Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mancos - Durango, Co.


We packed up and left Cortez, Co.'s Wal-Mart for Mancos, Co. 20 miles down the road. That is to date the shortest road trip we have made. So short I did not take a single picture. We left Cortez at 6200 ft elevation to
Echo Basin Ranch at 8000 ft elevation. Fountains to greet us.
Located 3 miles east of Mancos, Co.
Ooh, looks like a nice place. ( saloon closed for the season)
Three hole golf course. We meet the camp host who directs us to our site and set up the Nest.
After setting up we head for Durango 25 miles east of our campground.
We are now glad we did not get a campground in Durango!
We went up and down,
and up and down,

and up and down. That really eats the gas. We went to the visitors center for information, then head to the old downtown district of Durango. Neat little college town with a nice old downtown. I did some early Christmas / Birthday shopping. Fun little town at elevation of 6500 and population of 15,000, but I heard from a sales person, a very pricey little town.
Time to get back home before it gets too dark and we can't find our way home.

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