Monday, October 5, 2009

Telluride, Co.


Today we are taking the scenic drive from our campground to Telluride, CO. Joe packed us lunch and Joe, Mallery, and I headed out the door. Drove to Cortez then turn north on Hwy. 145. The highway followed the stream all the way up. The Alpine Aspen had turn yellow and were gorgeous. I told Joe, I could live here in this valley between the mountains on both side and have a horse and some goats. I was having to shoot through the window, so there is a bit of a glare. It's about a 1 1/2 hour up to Telluride, not counting stops. With a late start (as usual- because of a slow poke), it was time for lunch already. We pulled over and enjoyed the view! the sun was also up high causing some glare. We are driving the San Juan Skyway which is a scenic loop in the San Juan Mountains. But because one of us is a slow poke and the other likes short days, we are only doing a section of the loop.Arrive in the town of Rico on the loop. We continue up the road, with winds up to 40 miles per hour and temperatures in the 50's, but sunny. Enjoy the day and gift of peace and beauty and I'll shut up for awhile. This place is amazing! I am sorry, I was suppose to shut up. Couldn't help myself. The loop is 232 miles. I think this might be Wilson Peak, but don't know for sure. As we get closer to the top, we see some of the aspens are bare. We both agree the drive is definitely worth it! Every turn is another picture. Sorry so many pictures, I tried to eliminate, but they all have so much splendor! Just go with it, and enjoy the drive. Take time to smell the roses It's not everyday that you get to enjoy such quietness and Grace! It makes you feel so small, but but so connected! I'm sorry, so sorry, I just had such a hard time decided which pictures to delete. Almost to the Telluride. The beauty make me want to see more, Even though we had to go through some pretty scary drop off and no guard rails. I did delete at least 3/4 of the pictures, believe it or not. This is my journal and a place to go when I need to be reminded of Him! And I am sharing it with you. The sign coming up points to the airport. It's important, but I'll tell you why latter. We are in the out skirts of Telluride. We hopped on the free gondola ride. Telluride is down below. Oh my God, the gondola is swinging out of control and almost looked like it was going to hit the pole! I look down as Joe looks up. Mallery is a little nervous too. I was nervous too, but the beauty side tracks me! We jump off at the top. It is really, really cold up here! A quick look while Joe takes a break in the boys room, and then head down to The Villages. Tom Cruise and Oprah have private jets that fly into that airport below. Oprah had a house here, but has sold it, but Tom and Katie Cruise have a ranch out there somewhere. The Villages below. This is where all the resturant, business and hotels are located. We jump off and look around, then hop back on to go back up and then down again. Telluride is an old Victorian mining town founded in the late 1800's. and is now a international summer festival and ski resort. Going down into Telluride residential area. Homes start at a million. What a beautiful day, even though it is about 5o degrees today. As we go down we visit with a local, who has lived here for 13 years. He gave us some of the in"s and out's of the town. This place is in the top three best place we've seen since we started to travel. Two of the three being in Colorado. If you come to visit Telluride, come during the last 2 weeks in September. Wish we had more time to walk around the town, but when we get down it's time to head back home. This is my favorite picture with the shadow of the trees across the road. Enjoy the sight as we head back home. Oh, I forgot to tell you Telluride's first bank robbery was done by the Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch in 1889. This is one of the spots that was scary with drop off at the bottom of the road with no gaurd rails. And another drop off! I had Joe stop the car for this picture. No rails, and sheer drop off. One more bad spot and some bozo decided to pass us at that spot. The car barely made it around us, before an on coming car approaches. Another bozo was just going to pass also and saw the on coming car and pulled back behind us. Joe thought he was going to pass and pulled to the side of road and come to a stop to avoid what he thought was going to be a collision. The car that pulled back in at the last minute almost rear ended us. Down, down , down all the way. We stop here for another restroom break. We are past the scary spots, so I get behind the wheel and give Joe a break. Sorry no more pictures! He he:)


  1. These pictures are gorgeous!
    The golden yellow with the mountains..the snow..just beauteous!
    I know what u mean about the photos..always hard deciding which ones..i usually put up tons too..i enjoyed looking at them all!

  2. Your pictures are wonderful. My husband and I loved the San Juans and spent a lot of time in the areas you've visited. If you ever go back to Telluride, be sure to drive through and out to the back of town to see the restored power plant and waterfall. You may want to google for the back story, but this is a picture:

  3. Hobopls, Thanks for the complement,suggestions and picture.
