Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Silverton, CO.


Today we are going to do another part of the San Juan Skyway Loop. This time we are going north on Hwy. 550 north of Durango up to Siliverton.
On Hwy. 550 north of Darango, CO.
We had several people, that we have met while traveling, and Joe's friend Rick, who told us we needed to drive to Silverton. This is a very beautiful drive as our camp host told us. So far the roads are good and no drop offs. We came around a bend and these two deer were on the side of the road, as well as three cars and some people standing on the road taking pictures. I took this as we past the car that was partial on our side of the road. It made me nervous as I was concerned of a car coming around and rear ending us. Some more bozo's not using their heads. Some places had trees full of aspens turned yellow. Great view. As we got closer to the top, we found some aspens bare already A few shots of the roads. Almost to Silverton. This was a lookout point with a small lake below. Silverton below. This spot in the drive was the scariest part. At the Durango Visitor Center we were told Handlers was a great place to eat. Really interesting decor, but food was just OK. After lunch we walked around the town and visited some shops, an old grand hotels. Silverton is more of an authentic old town with the old buildings well maintained. This is also an old silver and gold mining town. We really enjoyed the town and we wished we had more time to sight see, but it was time to head back down to Durango, and then to our campground in Mancos. As we came down the mountains, I noticed these trees on layers of ledges. Different view going down. We really enjoyed Silverton and would like to come back sometime, and stay for awhile, but would not want to drive the RV up there. Many do, but Joe said he wouldn't want to. Someday when we are done RVing; we want to stay in one of their hotels. We also never made it to Ouray, which is north of Silverton on the loop. To get to Ouray you have to drive the Million Dollar Highway, which is a very scary drive with no guard rails, and recommend speeds of 10 to 15 miles per hour. But we have found, most people don't follow the speed zones, which puts you in danger per Bozo on the road. Maybe someday we will try that when we can have someone else drive it, that has more confidence than we do. My mom went with a friend on that road nearly 50 years ago and she said she peed her pants, because it scared her so much. If any of you have gone or do go on the Million Dollar Highway, let me know what you think.


  1. Ok you asked for it
    here are my videos from both drives..scroll down to the video

    and for the scarier ride...

    drive from silverton to ouray on the million dollar highway


  2. I lived in Ouray for twelve years and made that drive hundreds of times. While the drive to Silverton to Ouray over the million dollar does have some steep declines (especially the ruby ridge), the entire road is paved and slower speeds aren't really neccessary (unless it's winter, in which case the road is usually closed, anyway). The locals tend to break the posted 35 mile per hour speed limit, then again we can understand those with weaker constitutions. The scenery over the road is absolutely STUNNING. While there aren't many wide open spaces looking out, there is stunning fall color, towering mountains with rivers, and 10-30 waterfalls along the way, depending when you go. One such waterfall is called Bear Creek falls. Most people miss it who stop at the photo-op area just outside of Ouray, because it's actually UNDER the road. If you go to the narrower side and peer over the fence, however, the falls are well worth the stop!

    Thanks for letting me type your ears off!
    Spencer, Ouraynian ^^

    P.S. If you choose to eat at the Handlebars in Silverton again, try anything with their BBQ sauce! I recommend the chicken fried steak. ^-^
