Monday, November 9, 2009

Road trip to Mesa, AZ.


We are heading south to Mesa, AZ. today.
Good bye Distant Drums RV Park.
We will be back someday. We recommend this park highly!
We take Hwy. 17 up into the Mingus Mountains.
This route is much easier than Alt. Hwy 89, through the Mingus Mountain.
At the top of the Mingus Mountains. It was a struggle for our Nest to climb.
It's all down hill the rest of the way.
and down.

We stopped at a rest stop for lunch.
Views of Towers Mountains from the rest stop.
Back on the road and still going down.
Look Joe, look at all those cactus.
Love the layers of the mountains.
Joe tells me those cactus are called Saguaro cactus.
Half the way there. Our total drive was only 82 miles today.
I am just amazed at all the wild cactus. Hey, I am just an old Iowa girl that never has been this far southwest.

They are like our tree in Iowa, but cactus instead.

A different kind of cactus.
I am very impressed with how clean and nicely landscaped and decorated the interior interstates are in the big city.

Drive on Main Street of Mesa, AZ.
2929 Main Street, Mesa, AZ. We pull in and Joe says, " are you sure we turned into the right place?"
I said, "yes Joe the GPS said to turn here." We register at Palms Garden and unhook the car.
I follow Joe to our site 615 as he follows our guide to our new lot.
Our guide helps Joe back up into our new yard, and we sent up for another 3 days.


  1. oh that looks like a great place..what town is that distant drums rv park in..
    Looks like you have a nice spot in Mesa..
    I am not a huge fan of Phoenix but if you head to the mountains..its heavenly..

  2. I would love to be able to go out west and see all the things that you are able to..The post with the building in the sheer rock.. just amazing as is the clear water and those skies...Michelle
