Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sunsets at Distant Drum


The Yavapai and Apache Nations have a Casino right across Hwy 17 from our Distant Drums Park.
After a day of running around Camp Verde, shopping and going to the Post Office, we decided to stop in the casino and spend a dollar or two. When we left I had played and lost a dollar. On my second dollar I won $10 and walked away with $ 10. Joe lost $2. We played the penny slots with one dollar each and then went and played another dollar in the nickle slots. Today was my lucky day.
A beautiful sunset at Distant Drums
Looking east.
More yellow in this one.
Joe and I have been trying to walk in the morning and evening for 25 minute . We were on our evening walk and were enjoying the changing views.
Trees and the sunset.
Almost gone.

The back side of the office at Distant Drums. Laundry and showers are on the bottom/ basement floor. Office on the middle/ 2nd floor, and Steve and Lauri's apartment on the 3rd/ top floor.

Sunset gone.
Just blue skies, red clouds and the park lights
Better picture of sign on water tower.


On another evening walk with Mallery. We walk 5 minutes with Mallery on a leash,
then 20 minutes fast with her in her stroller. ( she is too slow- she wants to smell every brush in the park)
After 20 minutes of fast walking, we let Mallery walk on her leash again for 5 minutes for our cool down.
This park has been really great for walking with a stroller, with paved interior roads. Yes we get lots of people coming up to see Mallery in her pink stroller. Most of the women want to know where we got it, so they can get one for their old slow dogs.
We stayed at Distant Drums for an extra 3 day's at the 1/2 price Passport membership fee. It pays to know the managers of a place.


  1. is camp verde the name of the town? where is it?
    The sunsets are amazing..awesome shots Diane!

  2. Those skies are amazing... Michelle
