Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Fun with my Family


A day at the park with the nana kids.
Lennox squealing with joy.
Lennox is 15 months old.
Hayleah swings Noah as Alisha watches.
Noah cheesing it up when we say "cheese." Noah is 18 months.
Hayleah at 12 years old.


Tiffany our daughter (age 28), and Lennox.
I moved to Tiffany and Blake's home. Tiffany made up the guest room and made me feel cozy.
I gave Lennox a bath.He loved splashing the water with his hands.

And kicked his feet as fast as he could.
The bathroom floor and walls had to be dried off, as well as my glasses after bath time. I had a great laugh watching him.


Today is Christmas eve. and we had a blessing born 13 years ago.
Noah came to the Birthday party.
The party is at Blake's and Tiffany's home. (Blake on the couch).
My family- Blake, Lennox, Tiffany, Hayleah, Alisha, Noah, and Jamie.
Our blessing 13 years ago, celabrating her 13th Birthday, and wearing her brother's hat.
Making her wish as we sing Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Its been fun catching up..I am at a wifi coffee shop..U know how it goes.....
    anyway..nice that you are with the family..
    Wishing you and yours a Wonderful, Joyful.Hhealthy New Year!!!!!!
